I had to. We should have Prague Fridays, or something.

So, the © on the scan is 2012, but I took the photo on BW film in late December, 1990. It’s one of my favorites - probably the favorite - of my own pictures. Although, it’s not the one I get the most print requests for from friends & family. It’s funny how your own memories influence your artistic impressions.

  • 𝕽𝖚𝖆𝖎𝖉𝖍𝖗𝖎𝖌𝖍OP
    21 hours ago

    It was a play on the post immediately prior (time-wise) to mine, by another user, titled “Outside Prague.”

    Although the mist makes it look far away, St. Vitus is really only a short walk from where this was taken.