While I don’t expect or hope to ever need it, as an American, I would like to be prepared to resist as much as necessary if needed. It’s looking like it might be needed at some point here.

I’m looking to get a rifle or two for that specific purpose just in case. Can anyone recommend specific brands/models and/or features I should be looking for? I’m disabled in a way that limits my ability to hold anything heavy, so lighter weight is good. I have a revolver, but that’s probably not the best for standing up against a repressive regime.

I plan to train with whatever I get, of course. Thanks in advance.

Edit: There way too much information here for me to reply to it all individually, but I would like to say thank you to everyone for your very helpful responses.

  • Marvelicious@fedia.io
    13 days ago

    Also, most of these questions will be answered by watching InRangeTV. I hesitate to unilaterally endorse the output of specific people, but Karl seems to be a genuinely good person who truly cares about leftist values and you could pick far worse places to increase your knowledge about firearms.