If I understand this article correctly, instead of working out of the Governor’s mansion, which is already maintained by our tax money, and is close to the offices Braun is forcing everyone back into, let’s put a pin in that, and it already has quarters for state police details…
he’s spending more of our tax money on his private residence, planning to work from home, and wants to get flown in a fucking helicopter?
Couple things:
helicopters cost 2-4 thousand dollars per flight hour depending on aircraft
He made everyone return to offices
Some offices or rented floors in the downtown Sheridan cost about a million per year to rent (I need to fact check this, I just heard from an insider)
Am I misunderstanding wats going and I’m at fault for thinking he’s a huge fucking douche bad and hypocrite?
I know this place is a bit of an echo chamber not favoring republican politics, but this seems more bipartisan and plainly fucking stupid?
I just want to say, I really appreciate this well thought out and written response. I never cease to be amazed at the stupidity our Republican politicians bring upon us, and how many people in this state they are actively harming but still for some reason keep voting for them.