Cetaceans actually started as land animals
Behold a whale!
Found Diogenes’ account
Back and forth metamovements from land to sea are more common than you’d think, evolutionarily.
See Sea Turtles, for example.
Evolved from a common ancestor that was in the ocean (pre-amniotes) evolved into reptiles on land, then decided to go back in the water.
The land fish yearn for the oceans once more.
I know I do
That blew my mind a long while back. I remember hearing that whales were mammals when I was a child and for a long time I’m like, what does that actually mean, so what if their fins are like hands? when I learned about the fact that they were previously land animals it’s like my brain exploded and I had that eureka moment.
When he was a child?
lol I’m writing this in while waiting for an appointment. I meant “I”. lol, sorry.