Is anyone else noticing an uptick in far-right content and Russian propaganda on reddit lately?
To me it almost seems like reddit has started pushing it.
It’s everywhere. I’m guessing they have a lot extra free money to spend on propaganda now that they allies with the US.
Maybe also has something to do with the uptick of banning left leaning people talking about the damage Trump and Musk are doing? There have been a TON of people here saying their 10+ year old accounts have been banned.
Yes thats why I left
My sentiments exactly. Been an increasing problem over there since 2016 that I noticed but I’m sure there was this bullshittery there before and I just wasn’t in the subreddits where it festered.
I don’t buy the whole Russia thing because it takes the burden of guilt off of the admin and makes them look like pawns. No, the admin would be this way regardless of Russia. The Russia connection is a symptom of MAGA, not the cause.
WTF is Reddit?
Seriously though get off that site, it’s not good for you.
They’re getting a lot of pressure from the Trump administration to clamp down on leftist content and ease regulations on right wing stuff
I’m just seeing a lot of sanitation of reddit. Must be making it advertiser friendly or kissing up to the admin.
The russian propagandist has no shame these days. They openly flaunt their nationality and their influence over US media. It’s shameful and americans should ostracize these people. They are all soo scared of brown people voting in their election but give no shits when it comes to russians, a foreign adversary, pushing their agenda through propagandizing americans.
No longer on Reddit. That’s why I’m here. Kept getting banned because, “who knows”?
“Why am I banned?”
Rather than an uptick of far-right, more like a downtick of genuine sensible people in contrast to them.
Sensible people? I seem to vaguely remember those there…
How do you tell the difference between Russian propaganda and right wing American propaganda?
They’re the same picture.
I was making a joke using the meme from The Office where corporate asks what the difference between two pictures is. I was using your comment as a setup to insinuate that right wing propaganda is the same as Russian propaganda.
Ok, but that makes no sense.
Makes pretty good sense to me. They’re using the meme format to imply that there are no differences between the two, i.e. right wing propaganda is just Russian propaganda.
Ok, but they’re too different, mutually exclusive countries.
Yes, that is what makes it a joke, the subversion of expectations.
Russia also does left wing propaganda. Their goal is chaos and division.
Ok? What doers that have to do with my question?
Their goal is chaos and division.
How did you determine this?
Foundations of Geopolitics. A Russian book by an author with ties to Putin, which describes in detail and in advance everything they’ve been doing for the last few years, including the invasion of Ukraine and the psyop against America.
Good you just answer the question please
Good you just answer the question please
Wow. You actually managed to get your Russian accent to come through, even when you’re online and could actually check your own spelling.
Because it’s painfully obvious to the point that Russia has literally explicitly admitted to it.
I only frequent one closed group on Reddit - the only reason I still have my account. I gather this group to be quite safe. The main page, though, is a mess, USNazis and Russians way to frequent.
Reddit has been protecting russian bot farms for almost a decade now.
they pretend to a sweep on occasion, only to have them come back even worst than before. how do we know? we know political posts suddenly becomes super quiet of any “both sides ranting” temporarily. and resemble more like lemmy posts of politics.
and now Israel has a vested interest with reddit, because of the gaza conflict.
Reddit didn’t start pushing it, it just stopped fighting it.
They lost a lot of human users and moderators over the last few years (during the API changes, for example) and their place was filled with “power mods” who run multiple large subreddits.
The moderator:user ratio has gone way down and so the people who game social media to push their messaging (nation states interested in disrupting the US) are essentially unchecked.
Now, instead of dumb bots that just copy/paste comments we have LLM-enabled ‘users’ (or even entire subreddits) that only exist to amplify these messages and manipulate the karma system to suppress opposition.
You don’t need to be a moderator if you can just use your network of hundreds of thousands of bots to downvote people out of the conversation or to boost articles to the front page.
from what ive gathered, its 92 mods controlling over 500+subs, i think these are the powermods. and additionally some of these are admins themselves? or mods that are in cahoots with reddit admins.
I just wish there was some way to educate the Redditors on this. Let them know what their Admins allow, and what they support. But I’m pretty sure if you just make a post on Reddit saying something like “Reddit is bad go somewhere else” it will be removed.
questioning any reddit habits will get removed, if your not a mod yourself.
For the average person, the effort that it would require far outweighs any morality issues. Even if they knew the whole story.
We should still educate people, but that isn’t going to move the needle by itself.