It’s funny because his real name is Bruce Banner.
thats the hulk youre thinking of Bruce Springsteen
That’s the boss. You’re thinking about Bruce Campbell.
That’s the king. You’re thinking of Bruce Willis.
Bruce Willys? That’s my shiiiiiiiiiit.
You’re thinking of Liam Neesons though
That guy whose hard to kill? You must be mistaken. The real Bruce is Bruce Springsteen.
And so Batman temporarily adjusted his morals to Bruces morals and suddenly a little murder (as a treat) was ok.
When you’re a billionaire, they let you do it!
So THAT is how Riddler realized Batman was Bruce Wayne!
Keep hitting until Riddler forgets!
Just say it’s because he got bruised from the punch. He can’t read the speech bubble, can he?
The riddler is smart and seems like the type to enjoy word play. He wouldn’t suspect “Brucein’” to be a, well, whatever you call a verbal typo. Like a speech impediment but when you randomly say something wrong. Especially from someone like Batman.
What would actually make Batman break his rule
Nah, he’d just give him a permanent brain injury like everyone else
I feel like the joke would’ve been easier to understand if the riddler said, “wait, Bruce?”
I dont get it was is he punching robin?
That’s the Riddler; observe the question marks on the tie.
Also the completely different color scheme.