It’s always the ones, (i.e republicans)you suspect
This is the author of the “TDS is a real mental condition” guy.
I had to check, but you’re right:
Trump pardon incoming…
Sure, trump can try, but he was arrested by the local police, not the feds.
That, and Minnesota isn’t exactly trump friendly.
A lot of people who don’t support trump would have to violate two different constitutions, along with local laws, to release this guy just cause trump said to.
Would it take “a lot” or “a few in the right places?”
A Republican state senator was arrested in Bloomington on Monday on suspicion of soliciting an underage girl for sex, police say.
Saved you a click.
Crazy how that never appears in the title, huh?
It’s implied.
deleted by creator
If it were a Democrat it would absolutely be in the title. All I want is some symmetry instead of bias.
Just think of it as admission by omission.
Does anyone keep a comparative count of Republican vs Democrat politicians arrested for this kind of thing? Is it really always Republicans or is that just confirmation bias?
I was thinking about this as well earlier today and wondered the same thing
A Republican state senator was arrested in Bloomington on Monday on suspicion of soliciting an underage girl for sex, police say.
Definitely not a drag queen.
When it’s not in the headline, you know
Every Republican Accusation Is A Confession example number (I’ve lost track)
Typical behavior from the party of law and order. Newsflash, it’s pedophiles all the way down.