The DNC passed laws to remove money from politics, Republican SCOTUS judges tore it down in Citizens United, and they’ve lacked the power to make a constitutional amendment or reform the court ever since but they’re always talking about it.
If people didn’t trust money in politics it would be in their best interests to elect 60 DNC senators.
They’ve had complete control of the government multiple times in the last decade or so, and they failed to do anything with it. Democrats only talk about reform when they aren’t in power. When they’re wearing the boot, they’re fine with stepping on people and demanding they lick it.
Is this one of these “both sides the same” fallacies?
I don’t recall the Biden administration directly intervening in the attack on protesters, but I did just read Trump doing much worse to violate the rights of protesters and free thought
It’s not both sides of the same it’s both sides are bad. Democrats aren’t good just because the Republicans are worse. The Democratic party is part of the Nazi agenda and they make things worse albeit at a slower Pace but they normalize the last Republican Administration
Is this a Fallacy fallacy? Even if it was a “both sides” fallacy, being a fallacious argument wouldn’t make it a bad argument. For example, if you say Nazis shouldn’t be trusted because they’re evil, that’s technically an ad hominem.
Are you going to argue that we should start trusting Nazis?
So lemme get this straight. Your argument is that democrats get a pass on the horrible shit they do when they’re in charge, because when they aren’t republicans also do horrible shit? That’s the dumbest thing I’ve heard this week. Did that argument work with your mother? How intellectually bankrupt do you have to be to think that was worth typing out? Now you’ve gone and made yourself look like a dumbass, and judging from the downvotes you’ve gotten, it seems everyone else agrees.
Yes, when you have the majority in both houses and hold the presidency, that’s control, you absolute buffoon. Now do you want to open your mouth again, or do you figure you’ve embarrassed yourself enough for one thread? Honestly, how you even manage to tie your damn shoes is beyond me, because it’s obvious from your barely put together sentences that you have the intellectual capacity of a rather large moss-covered rock.
Hillary Clinton won 16,914,722 votes to Bernie Sanders’ 13,206,428 votes in the 2016 primaries. It was a long very even race with no clear winner until June.
The DNC on Palestine was controversial, but they pursued lasting peace, and conversely the GOP admin is backing a single state solution and immediately shipped weapons that the Biden admin was withholding.
A minority of the DNC led by the old guard voted on the REPUBLICAN resolution to continue the federal government, written by REPUBLICANS. The alternative would be a congressional recess and end of paychecks to federal workers across the board, which I admit would have been better, but both options were shit. In a two party system, the DNC deserve our full support in the face of this awful GOP bill and the GOP budget which is soon to follow. The GOP writing shit bills and holding the government hostage is not a negative on the DNC.
The sooner the left abandons the DNC, the sooner this country falls into incompetent autocracy and the entire world falls into era of war and oppression.
Open your eyes buddy; we’re already there and the DNC is just protecting their donors while continuing to shit on the working class. Protecting GOP privatisation of the government and oppressive autocracy prevention is moot, especially after the US spent the majority of its reign as the world premiere superpower inducing those same exact policies on Latin American and Southeast Asian countries .
Open your eyes buddy; you’re empowering the GOP in their attempts to destroy the US Democracy by even sharing an opinion which contradicts the reality directly in front of your face. As millions of people have done before you, slowling pushing us into this grinder we’re in.
Shaming me for disagreeing with you is wasting both of our time. Left and right is just a distraction from the class war and you’re making broad generalizations to soothe your anxiety and resentment towards perceived inaction.
John McCain and Hillary Clinton (yes, her) are more responsible for the bill that hand delivered gave us Citizens United to the supreme court than anyone in the DNC (which doesn’t draft legislation, they mostly justtake bribes fundraise for pro-corporate/pro-Israel lobbies and suppress progressives and independents.)
they’re responsible for crafting immensely unpopular platform after platform, such as killing single payer healthcare, enabling a half senile Biden campaign, sabotaged the progressives and Bernie (twice), and gave us fucktards Schumer and Pelosi who are among the most ineffectual hated politicians in America.
please stop trolling this “vote for DNC to defeat fascism” nonsense. THEY HAD 8 YEARS TO PREPARE A TACTICAL RESPONSE TO TRUMPISM AND YET HERE WE ARE.
And yet Hillary Clinton has consistently said Citizens United should be overturned all these years.
How weird that people get so upset when I inform them that all of their worries are an actual official stance of the DNC. You would think it would be a comfort if they actually cared about any such issues.
During the 2008 political primary season, it sought to run three television advertisements to promote its political documentary Hillary: The Movie, a film that was critical of Hillary Clinton
I was being a little tongue in cheek about Hillary’s role, mostly speaking to the fact that her desire to seek power endlessly and run for president against Obama in '08, is what led to the creation of the eponymous film which was the basis for Citizens United filing a suit in court. it might have happened anyway, eventually, but it’s not widely appreciated how much harm she and the DNC have done to our political culture, including losing to Trump so spectacularly in '16.
every significant Democrat has said they’re opposed to Citizens United… none of them have actually done anything to accomplish overturning it. actions speak louder than words. same with Roe v Wade, they had decades to codify it and failed.
my whole point is not about what they oppose or support, it’s that they’re ineffectual in either direction. they routinely fail at shaking up the system and manipulating the courts in favor of the 99% of Americans who they claim to support. meanwhile the GOP runs roughshod over jurisprudence and the courts and civil liberties. Dems are still better than GOP by miles and miles, but nowhere near adequate as an opposition political party.
The basis for Citizens United was that the Lobby Group named Citizens United and several others wanted to use money to influence politics, a law drafted in 1995 by Democrats and pushed through in 2002 by Democrats stopped them, and technically they had the constitutional protection of free speech to influence politics with money as interpreted by the SCOTUS after hearings occurring between 2008 and 2010.
There is no vast widespan conspiracy to dig into, it’s really that simple.
Hillary Clinton’s approval was at one point 90% among registered Democrats. She’s been a political activist for so long that she shared a stage with Bernie Sanders during the civil rights movement (although she later had a huge gaff and asked where Bernie was while she was doing that because clearly she didn’t remember he was there with her). SOURCE: PEW RESEARCH
If you want effective democrats then put a majority in the house and 60 in the senate.
Because fucking corpos, lobbyists, and passive goons are make trusting anything pointless.
The DNC passed laws to remove money from politics, Republican SCOTUS judges tore it down in Citizens United, and they’ve lacked the power to make a constitutional amendment or reform the court ever since but they’re always talking about it.
If people didn’t trust money in politics it would be in their best interests to elect 60 DNC senators.
They’ve had complete control of the government multiple times in the last decade or so, and they failed to do anything with it. Democrats only talk about reform when they aren’t in power. When they’re wearing the boot, they’re fine with stepping on people and demanding they lick it.
Wow. I started to wonder what it’s like in your head but decided that might be hell for me. Democrats won’t step on others to make changes.
Remind me again, what did Biden and Harris do to students who were peacefully protesting against genocide last year?
Is this one of these “both sides the same” fallacies?
I don’t recall the Biden administration directly intervening in the attack on protesters, but I did just read Trump doing much worse to violate the rights of protesters and free thought
It’s not both sides of the same it’s both sides are bad. Democrats aren’t good just because the Republicans are worse. The Democratic party is part of the Nazi agenda and they make things worse albeit at a slower Pace but they normalize the last Republican Administration
Is this a Fallacy fallacy? Even if it was a “both sides” fallacy, being a fallacious argument wouldn’t make it a bad argument. For example, if you say Nazis shouldn’t be trusted because they’re evil, that’s technically an ad hominem.
Are you going to argue that we should start trusting Nazis?
Remind ME again what Drumpf does this year
So lemme get this straight. Your argument is that democrats get a pass on the horrible shit they do when they’re in charge, because when they aren’t republicans also do horrible shit? That’s the dumbest thing I’ve heard this week. Did that argument work with your mother? How intellectually bankrupt do you have to be to think that was worth typing out? Now you’ve gone and made yourself look like a dumbass, and judging from the downvotes you’ve gotten, it seems everyone else agrees.
They haven’t had 60 senators since 1979.
That wasn’t my argument, but nice job avoiding it.
Oh yeah they haven’t had control but they had total control right? Thats your argument? About what I expect from you murder cultists.
Yes, when you have the majority in both houses and hold the presidency, that’s control, you absolute buffoon. Now do you want to open your mouth again, or do you figure you’ve embarrassed yourself enough for one thread? Honestly, how you even manage to tie your damn shoes is beyond me, because it’s obvious from your barely put together sentences that you have the intellectual capacity of a rather large moss-covered rock.
The same DNC that stole the 2016 primary nomination from the only candidate to accurately voice the concerns of their constituents?
The same DNC that happily takes money from AIPAC to turn their heads to Palestinian genocide, and then refused to have a primary in 2024?
The same DNC that bailed out the corporate finance industry in 2008 and told everyone who foreclosed on their homes to suck a lemon?
The same DNC that just capitulated to Trump and continues to appear fascism because they’re too scared to lose their “good billionaire” donors?
The sooner we see the Democrats for the fraud and complacency they embody the faster we can build a REAL progressive party
Hillary Clinton won 16,914,722 votes to Bernie Sanders’ 13,206,428 votes in the 2016 primaries. It was a long very even race with no clear winner until June.
The DNC on Palestine was controversial, but they pursued lasting peace, and conversely the GOP admin is backing a single state solution and immediately shipped weapons that the Biden admin was withholding.
A minority of the DNC led by the old guard voted on the REPUBLICAN resolution to continue the federal government, written by REPUBLICANS. The alternative would be a congressional recess and end of paychecks to federal workers across the board, which I admit would have been better, but both options were shit. In a two party system, the DNC deserve our full support in the face of this awful GOP bill and the GOP budget which is soon to follow. The GOP writing shit bills and holding the government hostage is not a negative on the DNC.
The sooner the left abandons the DNC, the sooner this country falls into incompetent autocracy and the entire world falls into era of war and oppression.
Open your eyes buddy; we’re already there and the DNC is just protecting their donors while continuing to shit on the working class. Protecting GOP privatisation of the government and oppressive autocracy prevention is moot, especially after the US spent the majority of its reign as the world premiere superpower inducing those same exact policies on Latin American and Southeast Asian countries .
Open your eyes buddy; you’re empowering the GOP in their attempts to destroy the US Democracy by even sharing an opinion which contradicts the reality directly in front of your face. As millions of people have done before you, slowling pushing us into this grinder we’re in.
Shaming me for disagreeing with you is wasting both of our time. Left and right is just a distraction from the class war and you’re making broad generalizations to soothe your anxiety and resentment towards perceived inaction.
John McCain and Hillary Clinton (yes, her) are more responsible for the bill that hand delivered gave us Citizens United to the supreme court than anyone in the DNC (which doesn’t draft legislation, they mostly just
take bribesfundraise for pro-corporate/pro-Israel lobbies and suppress progressives and independents.)they’re responsible for crafting immensely unpopular platform after platform, such as killing single payer healthcare, enabling a half senile Biden campaign, sabotaged the progressives and Bernie (twice), and gave us fucktards Schumer and Pelosi who are among the most ineffectual hated politicians in America.
please stop trolling this “vote for DNC to defeat fascism” nonsense. THEY HAD 8 YEARS TO PREPARE A TACTICAL RESPONSE TO TRUMPISM AND YET HERE WE ARE.
And yet Hillary Clinton has consistently said Citizens United should be overturned all these years.
How weird that people get so upset when I inform them that all of their worries are an actual official stance of the DNC. You would think it would be a comfort if they actually cared about any such issues.
I was being a little tongue in cheek about Hillary’s role, mostly speaking to the fact that her desire to seek power endlessly and run for president against Obama in '08, is what led to the creation of the eponymous film which was the basis for Citizens United filing a suit in court. it might have happened anyway, eventually, but it’s not widely appreciated how much harm she and the DNC have done to our political culture, including losing to Trump so spectacularly in '16.
every significant Democrat has said they’re opposed to Citizens United… none of them have actually done anything to accomplish overturning it. actions speak louder than words. same with Roe v Wade, they had decades to codify it and failed.
my whole point is not about what they oppose or support, it’s that they’re ineffectual in either direction. they routinely fail at shaking up the system and manipulating the courts in favor of the 99% of Americans who they claim to support. meanwhile the GOP runs roughshod over jurisprudence and the courts and civil liberties. Dems are still better than GOP by miles and miles, but nowhere near adequate as an opposition political party.
The basis for Citizens United was that the Lobby Group named Citizens United and several others wanted to use money to influence politics, a law drafted in 1995 by Democrats and pushed through in 2002 by Democrats stopped them, and technically they had the constitutional protection of free speech to influence politics with money as interpreted by the SCOTUS after hearings occurring between 2008 and 2010.
There is no vast widespan conspiracy to dig into, it’s really that simple.
Hillary Clinton’s approval was at one point 90% among registered Democrats. She’s been a political activist for so long that she shared a stage with Bernie Sanders during the civil rights movement (although she later had a huge gaff and asked where Bernie was while she was doing that because clearly she didn’t remember he was there with her). SOURCE: PEW RESEARCH
If you want effective democrats then put a majority in the house and 60 in the senate.