Well this is absolutely frightening in so much that Trump is going to force his way into Canada via military operations by claiming fentanyl as a weapon of mass destruction.
Anyone remember the Bush Administration and WMDs they said were there but never were?
Elbows up Canuck’s. The time to prepare is most likely closer than we think.
This is so he can get wartime and “emergency powers” to stop the midterm elections
About time the USA started treating domestic terrorism appropriately…
Then maybe we should stop exporting it.
Yeah we should totally ban drug smuggling!
Soooo can we declare Purdue Pharmaceutical and the Sackler family terrorists organization under that rhetoric? Asking for a friendly nation.
Nope only applies to illicit fentanyl. Same reason coca cola is the nation’s only legal supplier of cocaine.
Good thing we can chemically test for traces that let us know the manufacturer and often lot.
Hmm fenyntal as a weapon wasn’t on my list of war crimes to add to the Geneva checklist but we can throw it to the boys to figure out how to make it work and be novel enough to add a section or two to the next version
Wasn’t there a bust of like 1000 lbs of fentanyl crossing the border from the US into Canada recently?
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I believe there was, but Donny dumbass doesn’t care about that.
Serious question, should I get a gun?
The statistics are overwhelmingly clear; the most likely person to be killed by a gun is its owner.
Yah show me those statistics cause I highly doubt that.
It makes sense, more proximity to a weapon is more potentially deadly encounters. An intruder very rarely enters your house, but you pass the gun safe in your closet every day.
Yeah, but those statistics weren’t taken in a country that is being invaded or going through a civil war
True, and I’d agree on the civil war point.
If you’re prepping for an invasion your best bet would be supporting wartime mobilizations instead of personal defense. Bootstrapping a total war economy is no joke.
Your government can probably handle the logistics of recruiting/arming/training people better than local defense cells. However, even if you’re not enlisted they’ll still need people to work the factories, drive the trucks, sell war bonds, etc…
What are you talking about, history is over. /s
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The only resistance that could stand a chance against the US army would be organized by the Canadian government, in which case they’d provide you with the weapon.
No, fentanyl might be more effective at mass destruction. /s (obviously)
It’s this that “newspeak” I’ve been hearing about?
Oh for fuck sakes.
Alright, folks. Time to get on !, !, and ! ! could use some love too
Not guns?
For a guy who said he wasn’t gonna go to war, he sure as fuck sounds like a guy getting ready to go to war.
I just hope the economy finally crashes before he gets the chance.
Those photos of WMDs? They were balls.
Hands down one of the best shows ever!!
Trump right now.
Can we just FFW to the end? Pretty please?
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The end of the video where the cops shoot and kill him and realize all his “declarations” were absolute horseshit.
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Well, if we’re fantasizing, I vote we give ‘im the ol’ William Wallace treatment. Far more fitting for the chaos he’s caused. Make Elon watch with the assurance that he’s next.
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Here comes the “special military operation”, but it’s not a declaration of war so he doesn’t need congressional approval.
Actually thanks to the 2001 AUMF he doesn’t need Congress as long as it’s part of the (still ongoing, never officially ended) “war on terror”. Which, presumably, would include stopping WMDs.