Plenty of Hasbara in Reddit these days combing through any Israel- Palestine conflict.
As someone who grew up in Ireland, I know for a fact that Ireland is one of the first countries to support Israeli statehood and then the two state solution. As a matter of fact, one of Ireland’s ministers is a Jew who later on served as advisor to one of the Israeli political party that will eventually rule the country: the Likud party. Unfortunately, with ultra-Zionism now taking hold on Israeli society, Ireland recognise modern Israel’s attempt to genocide Palestinians so there is a rift between Ireland and Israel.
Fast forward to present day, when the Irish parliament drew up a bill to ban goods from Israeli occupied territories, comments in Reddit swarmed like ants accusing Ireland of historical antisemitism/anti-Zionism and perpetuating the myth that then Irish prime minister, Eamon De Valera, sent condolences upon hearing the news of Hitlers death. These comments have been heavily upvoted. However, they conveniently and purposefully forget said Ireland’s history of supporting Israeli statehood and close political ties with the country’s early days.
The worldnews subreddit is absolutely seething right now
they’ve always been racist af so that’s good news
Worldnews is going to declare any and all posts from Mexicans are single issue and bans any posts about them.
Part of what drew me to the old site in ye olde 2013 was that it was the largest platform that wasn’t shitty about this specific subject.
Funny to see this is now the standard expectation for that place. Look how they massacred my boy
Plenty of Hasbara in Reddit these days combing through any Israel- Palestine conflict.
As someone who grew up in Ireland, I know for a fact that Ireland is one of the first countries to support Israeli statehood and then the two state solution. As a matter of fact, one of Ireland’s ministers is a Jew who later on served as advisor to one of the Israeli political party that will eventually rule the country: the Likud party. Unfortunately, with ultra-Zionism now taking hold on Israeli society, Ireland recognise modern Israel’s attempt to genocide Palestinians so there is a rift between Ireland and Israel.
Fast forward to present day, when the Irish parliament drew up a bill to ban goods from Israeli occupied territories, comments in Reddit swarmed like ants accusing Ireland of historical antisemitism/anti-Zionism and perpetuating the myth that then Irish prime minister, Eamon De Valera, sent condolences upon hearing the news of Hitlers death. These comments have been heavily upvoted. However, they conveniently and purposefully forget said Ireland’s history of supporting Israeli statehood and close political ties with the country’s early days.
They have it more much difficult right now, because Mexico’s president is Jewish, so they are basically calling her a race traitor
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Glad to hear it.