I bet they have an idea which party they think will fight harder.
I believe that the Democratic party has finally realized that they dont have to lie and cheat like the Reoublicans, they just have to show strength, and play Hard Ball.
Last night Schiff was on Kimmel, and basically said “Fuck You” to Trump in code - TWICE! The first one was when Kimmel asked him if he said “Thank You” to Trumo, referencing that disgusting press conference with Zelensky, and Schiff said, “I used a different two word phrase, and one of the words was You.” He also closed his interview with a similar joke.
Schiff has always been a respectful, honorable guy, so to hear him go out of his way to clearly say Fuck You to Trump on national TV seems to indicate a new messaging strategy for the Democrats, and the rest of his interview confirmed it as well. I hope we are going to start seeing much stronger messaging from the Dems in the future.
Or, you know, fight at all.
I don’t know how easy it is for another party in America, but it would be great right now because the parties available at current are Republican and Republican
I think it is easiest to do the same thing MAGA did. Redefine the party. Primary out all corporate Democrats. We can easily stay with those that don’t do anything to help us in current crisis.
Most importantly though we need more progressives to replace them: https://runforsomething.net/
Even at midterms, replace as many as possible. Just like the Republicans, ones who are remaining will change their tune.
But that will mean aoc and other progressives will need to start calling out the shills by name. Some Americans still think their Democrat is on their side, when many are obviously not
Republican and