Due to the recent ban of a wolfballs.com-user for “Bigotry and racism on his main account on Wolfball.” it is requested that Lemmy.ml updates the Code of Conduct to reflect actual moderation. Please consider adding that Lemmy.ml will ban users for comments made with other accounts on other instances.
I don’t need to argue anything. Fuck fascists. If you’re an ML like you’ve stated in the past, you know why and don’t need me to explain to you why fascism is unacceptable and how they leverage liberal discourse to gain footing.
If you enable fascists to speak then what do you even stand for?
I don’t claim to be unbiased. I don’t claim to be fair. Because being unbiased and fair is for people who don’t have to worry about their own survival. LGBT people have already learned this lesson when we’ve been hunted down in the past. You gotta nip this shit in the bud before it takes root.
If you make this place a safe haven for these people, then it’s not safe for me or people like me, and I will treat it like radioactive waste.
You are proposing to change lemmy.ml rules so that users can be banned for activity on other sites. Your only argument for this rule change seems to be the claim that wolfballs.com is fascist. You havent shown any evidence to support this claim, and its far from obvious when browsing the site. So I dont see any justification for such a rule change.
Miss me
With that
So now you say that Masterofballs should be banned because of things that other people say on his instance, and because of posting memes?
@Awoo@lemmy.ml can you please explain to this man what a wrecker is? He’s either being naive or is cryptofash himself and I’m running out of patience.
-posts racism
-But what about his free speech?
For fucking racism, yes. Its better than what they deserve to be honest: a gun to the head.
This is exactly why non-MLs look at half the commies and shake their heads. If all you scream is “fascist” and literally refuse to explain, then all we gather is “They call people they don’t like fascists”. Then commies get mad the rest of us “can’t see” the proper way.
How does this not counter your first point? If you don’t practice what you believe in when it actually matters, you don’t have beliefs, you have hobbies.
Edit: This thread has gone on for many comments. Read them for a laugh. Basically they never proved the original guy is racist, only got increasingly frustrated. Which is honestly surprising, since I believe the guy is probably a racist PoS, but all I asked for was proof of it.
I have literally linked to where the guy is being racist and seanchai has quoted his homophobic and transphobic remarks. It’s plain as day. I’m calling this shit out because it makes me feel unsafe to be here as a queer person.
Also, how do you not know what a dogwhistle is?
It’s counterproductive to conflate racism, homophobia and transphobia with fascism.
They’re all disgusting behaviors. Make no mistake, they’re all mindless, anti-social, and dangerous. However lumping them into the term fascism trivializes what makes fascism in particular dangerous or appealing to its audience, it falsely suggests that fascism without those traits, a national fascism rather than a racial fascism (which is indeed what some fascists propose) isn’t reprehensible, and makes people who have seen a defintion of fascism think it’s just an ignorant slur just like calling any queer person a liberal, which will make people just not listen.
You don’t have to be one to be the other. They’re all horrible. Don’t pretend their problem is being a fascist; their problem is being a racist anti-queer idiot.
If it looks like a duck, eats like a duck, quacks like a duck, builds an ideological pipeline like a duck…
Congrats on proving both my comments for the second post in a row. Also grats on being queer? Anyways, if you’re so confident you’re right, feel free to actually reply with links of the guy being racist (instead of just saying you did), because the only post I see you doing that has 3 links to… Content not posted by the guy and non-racist content.
A few more since apparently I have to do all the work for you
Congrats, you linked another 10 posts, none of which prove the banned guy was racist. Over half the posts you linked weren’t even from the banned guy. Stop wasting my time, you’re making me think very poorly of commies.
Also, for future reference, one strong point is a lot better than dumping links (or in this case, dumping a link to links to images that weren’t even relevant to the point at hand, which is you are yet to provide any proof Masterofballs is posting racist content).
you need severe re-education
Nice, will I learn to call everything racist and fail to back it up 5 times in a row there? Despite being reminded in each reply that you’re trying to prove something is racist?