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Globalism is imperialism without borders.

We as Marxist-Leninists use Lenin’s definition of imperialism as opposed to the vague general use of the word. (As we do with nation and dictatorship as we have a different ideological framework to liberalism) It is from this that we know that imperialism primarily constitutes an economic form as opposed to a military form, the military is in place to enforce the economic over the exploited third world. Colloquially this is referred to as globalism as it depends on the delivery of materials from all over the third world to the first world by corporations to meet the demands of consumerist society. In Lenin’s time imperialism was primarily undertaken by imperialist powers through invasion to acquire resources, but it is for this reason that Lenin’s analysis was so acute even for Marxists today is that he correctly identified that the economic was factors were the key element and were at the root of military might. Such to the point that the imperialists when push came to shove ended up laying (mostly due to the threat of their violent overthrow) down their borders. (This was what Kwame Nkrumah referred to as neo-colonialism. Michael Hudson would also later coin the term super imperialism for the economic system of the unipolar world order. Both of these works are necessary updates to read on from Lenin’s analysis of imperialism as while his works are still very relevant he could never have imagined the unipolar world order).

After the British Empire left the vast majority of it’s occupied territories following WW2, it was the United States and it’s Bretton-Woods system which became the sucessors of the British. Instead of hard borders they put in place loyal comprador bourgeois governments and if they then revolted, the U.S. rigged elections, if that did not work they couped them, and if push came to shove they invaded. This was the relation of the so called peaceful world order where there were no imperial borders of old but instead the U.S. invaded with basically full legal order as for the most part they themselves made the international laws and controlled the so called independent international institutions. In a sense Americanism is anarchism at its peak set forth upon the world. Only a few ‘rogues’ dared to compete, and anytime a peer competitor emerged, they were crushed even in the case of Japan which was a subservient state in the 80s and was only an ecomonic competitor. Real competitors that were not within the scope of the U.S. empire and the liberal order such as the U.S.S.R., fought a cold war, with many proxies, and when the U.S.S.R. fell, the U.S. reigned supreme. It looked like the unipolar world order would be firmly in place for eternity and that it was “the end of history” to quote Fukiyama.

However today the U.S. and NATO have a real competitor both economic and ideological, in China which threatens not just the unipolar world to the extreme, but also the western powers themselves at home who could buckle under the threat of internal contradictions and fall to a workers revolution. The Belt and Road Initiative gives the third world the ability to fight globalism, neo-colonialism and western debt traps collectively. It is creating win-win conditions and solidarity amongst nations all over the world in a direct response to the imperialism of France, the U.S. and NATO. It is the unleashing of development from the BRI which will lead to the end of the 21st Century being the African century and it is this that the imperialists fear most as it would mean the end of globalism once and for all and would allow the African people to stand on their own two feet and say no to the domination of other peoples upon their land.

Imperial borders might have ended on the African continent once and for all decades ago, but today, imperialism still exists, it exists from the western corporations who outsource to exploit cheaper labour in sweatshops, and the bourgeois comprador governments who uphold them, but it is in the interests of those governments more often than not to oppose this (which historically led to coups of disloyal governments) but it is the BRI which will lead to the final defeat of imperialism and the liberation of the African continent. With the rise of China we are finally moving towards a multipolar world, the end of the unipolar ‘rules based world order’ is nigh.

  • enigma@lemmygrad.mlOP
    2 years ago

    Without the contradictions of feudalism capitalism would not have emerged, same for socialism from the contradictions of capitalism and from the contradictions of socialism Communism will be established. The reason Marx was able to analyse this was because of the fact that society had for the first time become truly globalised and industrialisation had paved the way for the establishment of socialism.

    Marx was able to know the contradictions of socialism that a Communist party would have to solve and hence know of Communism only because of the industrialisation which created the globalisation first seen in Marx’s time. Without that none of Marx’s theories would have been created by Marx himself at that time and Communism the stage after socialism would not have been apparent which is why you cannot just say capitalism is the lower stage of socialism because it is the contradictions of the old which lead to the emergence of the new.

    The reason that Marx was able to peer ‘two stages ahead’ is because of that globalisation where for the first time society could be truly analysed on a large scale and with industrialisation there would be the capacity for a Communist party with the apparatus of the state to achieve that.

    So from that because of those theories which for the first time allow man to shape his own destiny and move the forces of production beyond in a rational manner that is why socialism can be said to be the lower stage of Communism because in the past due to the lack of global outlook and lack of knowledge it could not be done so with socialism the future is in our (mans) hands.

    Without the outlook Marx had (industrial Germany in the mid 1800s), Marx’s theories could not have been developed beforehand, and if it was not him someone else would have had, if it was not Marx someone else would have developed what we know as Marxism.

    Liberalism is all about the individual and bourgeois values which are upheld by parliamentary laws, whereas Marxism is specifically the vehicle of human progress to a higher stage of development (Communism). The point is that Marxism is what allows mankind to put our destiny in our own hands and move towards Communism the highest stage of human development for the first time to rationally move forward and the other point is that in the past it was simply just impossible for the relations of production to rationally be moved forward without external factors such as enclosure of the commons which were not done for the sake of moving humanity forward but out of countering class struggle and that it would not have been possible to develop Marxism without the globalisation seen in the industrial era because it was in that era that for the first time humanity had the global reach and the knowledge that from that perspective everything could be analysed rationally. So that we can move beyond it, but it would not have been possible without the perspective which globalism allowed to be seen.

    Us Marxist-Leninists have the truth on our side. We are consistently right about the plots of the imperialist powers and time and time again it turns out that we were right from the very beginning. We are right about history and do not let it get distorted by those with an interest to lie and slander Communist figures and Communist states. When it comes to the truth, there will always be two opposing narratives, however the truth will always lie closer to one side, this is the simple dialectic of the truth. As the famous quote goes:

    “Once you learn a sufficient amount of history you either become a Marxist or a lier”

    All those who got involved with the Communist movement were on the right side of history and they died knowing they fought for a better world. Marxism-Leninism is the immortal science that propelled humanity forward allowing us to grasp our destiny in our own hands for the first time. From the first revolutionary success in 1917 brought forth a wave of other successful Communist revolutions, from these revolutions millions were uplifted from poverty and the working class held power across one-third of the world. The Soviet Union may have fell in 1991 however today China, led by the Communist Party of China, is the number one economic power in the world and is leading a socialist and anti-imperialist bloc. A new cold war is on the horizon however this time we will prevail. It is also likely that we are heading into a crash which will rival the Wall Street crash of 1929, just like the 20th century, we will organise large swathes of the working class, and we will win over people of prominence who want to be on the right side of history to our cause. History may very well be repeating itself cyclically in a ripple effect, armed with the truth and the keys to victory we will disarm the lies of the imperialists, win over the masses first in our own countries, and then win!

    Remember as Marx said:

    “The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win. Working Men of All Countries, Unite!” - Karl Marx