Google is gradually introducing a new method for delivering targeted ads in Chrome that aims to bypass the controversy surrounding cookies by using browsing history instead. This…
Google is gradually introducing a new method for delivering targeted ads in Chrome that aims to bypass the controversy surrounding cookies by using browsing history instead. This…
To all the “use Firefox” people, my work website requires Chrome, so I appreciate this OP.
You can use Chromium for that. Also it’s not a website then.
You can call it whatever you want, I need it for work. Also, Safari is Chromium and the site doesn’t work in Safari either. Whatever the Indian coders they contracted to make it did it in some way that only Chrome works.
But if you don’t want me to thank OP, fine. I withdraw my thanks.
Safari uses Apple’s own WebKit. Firefox uses Gecko. Besically every other browser uses Chromium.
Chromium is a fork of webkit Edge is now a fork of chromium Gecko/quantum do their own thing.
Aside from some edge cases in Linux land, those are the engines.
Uhh, whoever told you that Safari was chromium played a good prank on you
nope. thought so too until i had to install chrome in the middle of a meeting.
A website should be universal and not dependent on what browser you are using. I say that but we are all suffering from Chromeitis just like Internet Exploreritis in the 2000s…
Web devs never learn.
Chrome is the new IE.
well i agree on what it should be, but that isn’t the case. i use firefox on my own time but have to use chrome to make a living. and no, the user agent isn’t the problem
Because what would be the practical difference between this “website” and Android app if Android base was available on others systems?
Both are dependent on specific runtime, both are API based, with special way to do persistant storage (usually not for user to view), both have restrictive permission system, both isolate apps from each other… The only difference is Chrome does not have centralized app store and still has compatibility with regular websites.
If it blocks you from opening the page if you use firefox, there is a firefox extension(agent switcher) to trick the website into thinking you are using a different OS or browser
If it doesnt work, you can use ungoogled chromium or chromium
Edit: if neither work, you can try to use the user agent switcher extension on chromium