Need a politics-free safe space? It’s called “going for a walk”

    1 year ago

    Damn, we found their trigger word! Lesser evil! LESSER EVIL!

    It’s funny how hypocritical you are right now, too. You wanna label “liberals” as fascist, but get all pissy when the same happens to you with the same amount of credibility.

    What’s funny is that you lot all seem to fail to realize that “Liberalism” is not inherently left or right wing, unless you are a reductionist who doesn’t believe that social liberalism exists and only believe Classic Liberalism exists. You all talk big about your political knowledge and how nuanced your beliefs are, and then you fall victim to the classic conservative notion of reductionism. Seeing “lib” used as an insult around here is just as hilariously pathetic as all the “snowflake” shit