Oxford study proves heat pumps triumph over fossil fuels in the cold::Published Monday in the scientific journal Joule, the research found that heat pumps are two to three times more efficient than their oil and gas counterparts, specifically in temperatures ranging from 10 C to -20 C.

  • frezik
    10 months ago

    Even without recent efficiency advancements, most houses in the continental US are going to have A/C units. It costs a trivial amount to make a reversible A/C unit that could provide as much heat as needed for autumn or spring. It’s stupid that this hasn’t been the standard for decades.

    With recent efficiency advancements, they’re good enough for most of winter, too. I live in southern Wisconsin, and just installed a heat pump this past year. We’re going to have to play with the setting to find the sweet spot, but since we also have solar, we could potentially be running it down to 10F and still be saving money. Going to have to see on that one, but 15 or 20F might end up being more reasonable. Even 20F would cover most winter days without turning on the furnace at all.