Sometimes I like to cruise the politics sub so I can drive by downvote libs and report them for breaking their precious civility rule, and honestly, I’ve gotten a decent amount of them banned for it, which is hilarious.
That is all
Sometimes I like to cruise the politics sub so I can drive by downvote libs and report them for breaking their precious civility rule, and honestly, I’ve gotten a decent amount of them banned for it, which is hilarious.
That is all
It’s probably worth pointing out that chuds virtually never use it for valid observations, even when they’re talking about people who genuinely are hyperfocused on Trump. When I see it used in Fox News comments, it’s a near-meaningless term for all Trump criticism
That might be true but what do you expect from Fox News comments
Yea they did something halfway clever then drove it into the ground.
It’s dumb that libs act like Trump is about to get arrested.
It’s also dumb for chyds to act like it’s an unnatural obsession for people to get mad when Trump says explicitly fascist shit.