FunkyStuff [he/him]

  • 21 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2021


  • Started a new Factorio game. First game I thought I could survive by just having a perimeter of gun turrets around my base with double walls, but I never got around to making the red ammo so they became useless as soon as big biters started to spawn. I learned my lesson so this time I prioritized military science and have been building fortified outposts at each ore patch. Been loving building the huge rail network too, going much bigger than my last game.

  • Are you sure? Because Eastern Orthodox (or Greek Orthodox, etc) ≠ Byzantine Catholic. The Latin Rite isn’t the only version of Catholicism, there’s Byzantine Catholics too. Andy Warhol was a Ruthenian/Byzantine Catholic, for example, but since that Church is in full communion with the Roman Catholic Church it’s basically only a difference in aesthethics. It’s all very confusing shrug-outta-hecks

  • Israel can only exist because of American imperialism, and the whole purpose of its existence is to keep control over the Middle East for American imperialists to do as they desire. There’s technically nothing contradictory about Trump saying he’s got America’s best interests in mind and also being rabidly zionist. The only ironic thing here is that Biden has a longer history of zionism and has long used his power to keep Israel afloat. Bibi playing hard to get shrug-outta-hecks

  • Obviously they only did it to keep users around for longer. But I do think, in a vacuum, it makes sense to alter the way a dating app works after it has an established userbase. If you want to cultivate a certain kind of user by having women make the first move, then once you cultivate those users you phase out that feature, you still keep most of the users. It’s like if Twitter worked exactly like Facebook tomorrow, you’d still have boomers on facebook and nazis on twitter for the foreseeable future.

    But I’m pretty sure that due to the nature of dating, the userbase for all generic apps just becomes more homogenous over time because the apps suck and people use as many of them as possible to match, with no reason for exclusively using any specific one. Therefore, yeah, Bumble killed its only defining feature.