I will focus on Estonia, as that’s where I grew up, but I assume this topic is also very relevant to the other Baltic nations.

For my whole life, I have heard horrible stories about Soviet occupiers. I have yet to meet a single person in real life who actually believed in communism or socialism, despite being raised in Soviet times and spending a lot of their childhood learning about Lenin, Stalin, etc.

I always knew that there are people out there (especially in other ex-soviet countries) who remember the USSR fondly, but I always assumed that this was more about nationalism than anything else, like “oh man it sure was great when we had a powerful military and a strong presence on the world stage”. It has been a serious culture shock to discover that the leaders of the Soviet union actually seem to have believed in the project, and that elsewhere in the union, the people seem to have believed in it as well! It really gives me a new perspective on Soviet nostalgia.

Meanwhile in the Baltic countries, and especially in Estonia, all age groups, including the very elderly, treat our Soviet past as an extremely dark time in our history. Just take a look at Estonia here compared to other nations: https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2017/06/29/in-russia-nostalgia-for-soviet-union-and-positive-feelings-about-stalin/

When discussing this with older people, or when I hear Soviet times discussed in general, I always hear statements like:

  • Almost everybody had family members or friends deported or killed (a part of the Estonian population was deported early in the occupation under the guise of being kulaks and nationalists, except the vast majority were women and children)
  • People lost their ancestral homes and were forced into tiny apartments shared with other families
  • There were constant shortages of food - you had to know somebody in the party or somebody working in a shop to get any actual variety in your meals
  • In general, everything was super corrupt, being “well-connected” meant you had a much easier life
  • Our culture was being deleted, we were not allowed to sing our songs, discuss a lot of our history, etc
  • People felt that they had lost their dignity and were not treated in a humane way

Conversely, I have not really heard many (or really any that I can remember) positive statements.

So this is something I have been thinking about for the past few days, and it’s not a topic that I can generally find a lot previous unbiased discussions on online (I guess because at the end of the day, the Baltic nations are absolutely tiny).

So: what actually went wrong? Why did communist ideology not manage to take root within the minds of the Baltic people? Maybe others here have some interesting perspectives.

One thought I have had myself:

Estonia was never a colonial power, we were in fact serfs, with other nations like Sweden, Denmark and Russia taking turns at ruling us. So when the Soviet union marched in with their army, the Estonian people only saw it as another exploitative ruler, with no interest in hearing anything about socialism. Nevertheless, this doesn’t really explain why several generations growing up in the Soviet union never learned to appreciate socialism.

  • Thank you for this question and these thoughts. This and a sort of similar history here in Finland has me confused as well because a lot of the framing seems the same. It was just today that we were talking with a friend on how it would be very good to hear even one Soviet positive comment from someone who lived during that time in Estonia. There really seems to be none.

    The history seems blurry at best. I know that here in Finland the capitalists had a lot of support from Germany and also Sweden even before the October revolution and it was them who were actually originally against independence. The nation building story of one nation came a lot later. But, they had to give into the independence which was then flipped on its head later as a project led by them (they actually wanted to install a monarchy here).

    All the Finnish owner families tend to have feudal ties and this goes back a lot further than the last century, but I believe they always saw Finland as their little playground where the people really didn’t have much of a voice until the Soviet started to form, this threat gave us a civil war that in hindsight the capitalists won. The support for them in my understanding came from their ties to feudalists. This also gave birth to the weldare state as the Reds had to be appeased with something, up until this we were still happily trading poors as slaves.

    Framing of these things in school, things like the Terijoki parliament are muddy and odd, the people deemed as bolsheviks are basically called traitors, but nobody says what or who was betrayed and how exactly. All I know is that the Reds here were treated badly even during WW2 and to this day “finlandization” will bring forward great outrage from the capitalis class.

    Our nations story has very much been constructed for and by these people in power, on a large part those in power remain to be the same today. I wonder if this alone has been enough to effectively disappear the voice and history of communism here and demonize it so fully that today you cannot find a balanced voice on this anymore and those few who do see the era of Soviet collaboration as prosperous have been fully discredited.