Between 2019 and 2020, the number of gender-related killings increased in Western Europe by 11%; in Southern Europe the increase was 5%. In North America these killings increased by 8%, and by 5% in South America.

Studies show that one in four young women will have already experienced violence by an intimate partner by the time they reach their mid-twenties.

    2 years ago

    Besides socioeconomic issues, I’d also correlate that to neofacist forces.

    in part due to the global pandemic, lockdowns and the economic impact of these.

    Most of the violence women and girls face is at the hands of intimate partners and family members, and it begins at an early age. Studies show that one in four young women (aged 15-24 years), who have been in a relationship, will have already experienced violence by an intimate partner by the time they reach their mid-twenties.