Email is inherently insecure. If you want or need secure communications, that’s what software like Briar, Matrix, or Signal (yes despite some drama).

Secure emails can always be done manually with PGP and will be a lot hardier than trusting an organization that gives away subscriber payments to Western-backed coup attempts and color revolutions.

    3 years ago

    It’s about that time for me to switch. This e-mail grossed me out, and I have been thinking about moving anyway.

    Where do you all move after abandoning ProtonMail? I don’t use e-mail for anything interesting to the three letter agencies, but I’d rather not use google. Encrypted e-mail would be nice, but as several posters have already mentioned, e-mail isn’t secure for interesting conversations anyway.

    Some main features I want are custom domains, catch all addresses, and e-mail aliases. The pricing is pretty brutal at a lot of places, like Tutanota for these features.