Please just read any communist literature about class oppression instead of making up wild theories about why the working class is so poor. You’re trying to reinvent the wheel without any idea about how a normal wheel functions in the first place.
Sorry professor, I didn’t realize I interrupted your communism 101 lecture. Unfortunately I live in the real world where not everyone is out to get you and not everything is hopeless.
I’m not trying to be passive aggressive, I am trying to be earnest:
Youre wasting your abilities by not educating yourself on marxist analysis. You come close to a bunch of points that are made by marxists but don’t have the base of knowledge to develop them properly and do further analysis on them. Modern Marxists actually do write on the debt economy and you have the very start of their analysis but you veer off.
This is not an attempt to call you stupid, this is pointing out that you’re trying to do something and having the right tool for the job would make your life easier.
It is probably possible for me to write this in terms of philosophical theory but I would not consider that a good use of my time. I’m more concerned with addressing the practical ways someone can improve their life regardless of the current state of the economy or how the current state came to be.
Some people are doomed from the start. But there are so many more people that could be thriving right now if they would just stop and think before taking out a loan and at least gain some basic financial education.
On the subject of Marxism, if people stopped getting into debt a lot less money would be flowing to the top. Banks would have fewer profits and their power would shrink. Therefore abstaining from debt could even be considered a kind of activism. The best kind of activism really, because it actually makes you wealthier.
On the subject of Marxism, if people stopped getting into debt a lot less money would be flowing to the top. Banks would have fewer profits and their power would shrink.
See, this is an example of getting so close and missing analysis that you could have just read.
Please just read any communist literature about class oppression instead of making up wild theories about why the working class is so poor. You’re trying to reinvent the wheel without any idea about how a normal wheel functions in the first place.
Sorry professor, I didn’t realize I interrupted your communism 101 lecture. Unfortunately I live in the real world where not everyone is out to get you and not everything is hopeless.
I’m not trying to be passive aggressive, I am trying to be earnest:
Youre wasting your abilities by not educating yourself on marxist analysis. You come close to a bunch of points that are made by marxists but don’t have the base of knowledge to develop them properly and do further analysis on them. Modern Marxists actually do write on the debt economy and you have the very start of their analysis but you veer off.
This is not an attempt to call you stupid, this is pointing out that you’re trying to do something and having the right tool for the job would make your life easier.
It is probably possible for me to write this in terms of philosophical theory but I would not consider that a good use of my time. I’m more concerned with addressing the practical ways someone can improve their life regardless of the current state of the economy or how the current state came to be.
Some people are doomed from the start. But there are so many more people that could be thriving right now if they would just stop and think before taking out a loan and at least gain some basic financial education.
On the subject of Marxism, if people stopped getting into debt a lot less money would be flowing to the top. Banks would have fewer profits and their power would shrink. Therefore abstaining from debt could even be considered a kind of activism. The best kind of activism really, because it actually makes you wealthier.
See, this is an example of getting so close and missing analysis that you could have just read.
If I put this in Marxist analytical terms then no one would understand it and no one would learn anything.
Most people don’t understand calculus either, doesn’t mean it doesn’t have applications to know.
And marxist analysis is generally more useful to the average person.