This leads to another problem. Everyone will make policy to suck up to industry in order to secure a job after their term limits.
It’s already a problem of politicians swapping in and out of politics and into industry. Today they “represent the people against car manufacturers”, tomorrow they are a car industry lobbyist.
Oh there are a ton of issues. We should abolish political donations from business, strict laws on how one can donate to politicians to rope in the rich. But if we have lifers running the government it all fails.
This leads to another problem. Everyone will make policy to suck up to industry in order to secure a job after their term limits.
It’s already a problem of politicians swapping in and out of politics and into industry. Today they “represent the people against car manufacturers”, tomorrow they are a car industry lobbyist.
Oh there are a ton of issues. We should abolish political donations from business, strict laws on how one can donate to politicians to rope in the rich. But if we have lifers running the government it all fails.