• RealFknNito@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    Hey boss, I’ve been fat all my life. Was a thick baby, they almost had to break my shoulders to get my out. Part of my issue is my thyroid, the other is I’m a super taster and healthy shit tastes bitter and ungodly awful. As a kid I avoided it and continued being big and I’m almost 30. I’ve only briefly known what being skinny felt like after a strict diet I hated. I got severely depressed and buried my feelings in food. As a fat person losing weight again, I have no respect for you. You’re an entitled prick who had the fortune of a coping mechanism and biology that allowed you to probably grow up skinny and developed a lifestyle to keep you that way. It’s fucking hard to do that when you’re overweight or have biological obstacles.

    Sincerely, fuck off, from a fat person.