A firm founded by Rishi Sunak’s father-in-law signed a billion-dollar deal with BP two months before the prime minister opened hundreds of new licences for oil and gas extraction in the North Sea.

  • angrymouse@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Brazilians looking to their 2/3 of center right and right wing politicians: first time?

      • lars@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        Is Erdoğan this specific kind of corrupt (in addition to all the other ways he is Team Satan)?

        • Land_Strider@lemmy.world
          1 year ago

          Oh of course, he hopes to have his family become a dynasty like the Ottoman sultans. His son-in-law has very probably stole about ~$128-$400 billion dollars from the treasury when he was the appointed minister. His son and some of his nephews iirc have fleets of commercial ships. He probably sold some of the precious ports (Antalya and İzmir) to Qatar businessmen. Roketsan, the Turkish state-funded military industry that produces some effective NATO and Turkish missiles is most likely sold to Qatar recently, as well. Many other financial corruption tied to people around him, but these ones are from recent memory. Last minister of internal affairs was ironically regarded as minister of crime affairs (iç işleri-suç işleri) because of his “alleged” ties to Columbian cartels, and many more internal criminal activities.

          Note that we can’t even lawfully confirm these things because he has all the justice system in the palm of his hands. Did you know that last year Europe was starting to scrutinize acceptance of people from Turkey with state official passports because the previously-mentioned minister of internal affairs was handing them out like candy to known Syrian and Pakistani terrorist organization members?

          There is no hope other than waiting for this guy to die, especially after the last elections. Did you also know that most of the surviving victims of the last years deadly (officially 40-50 thousand dead, estimated above 100k dead) earthquake still voted heavily (60-70%) in favor of Erdoğan, who is the sole responsible person for repeatedly allowing unapproved buildings to be constructed and sold in the region as well are the remaining parts of Turkey?

          From what I read about Brazil and comparing these to the experience here, I can say Brazil is running the same risks every time some similarly-worrisome president is elected there, but at least they can get rid of them in a few years each time so the damage can be stopped at some point.

          With the best case here, when this guy dies, his criminal empire with hired terrorists and militants, mafia structures, religious organizations like Feto (there are few more still, with now Menzil in the graces of Erdoğan) will most likely disintegrate the country of no other US-backed similar devil is appointed as “Middle East co-president” as Erdoğan used to say.

          Europe better be ready when the refugee dam breaks and also Turkish and Kurdish people are added to the millions of Syrians, Pakistani and Afgan immigrants run towards it.

          Sorry for long rant. Everyday life goes on but sometimes the reality of the situation hits hard.