Sorry, best I can do is 8% apr for 96 months with a fee for paying it off early. And I’ll throw in a free car wash with each service visit. And even if it’s electric, the service guys will still advertise our $49.99 oil change to you, by mail, 4 times a year for the rest of your life. You know you want one.
They came like that from the factory. This one’s base colour is yellow, and for every other colour you see on it, there was another corresponding car. They probably built and painted several unicolor bodies and then took them apart to mix and match.
More car dealers should do that. Then I might actually find a car I can afford.
Sorry, best I can do is 8% apr for 96 months with a fee for paying it off early. And I’ll throw in a free car wash with each service visit. And even if it’s electric, the service guys will still advertise our $49.99 oil change to you, by mail, 4 times a year for the rest of your life. You know you want one.
Best deal in the industry, take it or leave it.
You son of a bitch, I’m in.
They came like that from the factory. This one’s base colour is yellow, and for every other colour you see on it, there was another corresponding car. They probably built and painted several unicolor bodies and then took them apart to mix and match.