So, I absolutely despise kickoffs. They have become an absolute waste of time, talent and most of all, a waste of opportunity for exciting moments and plays in football. Special teams players work their asses off all week (and all year) just to run down the field and watch the ball go through the endzone. I actually feel bad for these players.

Depending on the source, the return rate is anywhere from 20-32%. Source aside, no matter the real number, that’s atrocious. We’ve all watched most kickoffs go through the endzone and just result in the receiving team getting the ball at the 25. So much that you might as well just start there and scrap the kickoff completely. OR, hear my proposal for kickoff reform, that I think would substantially impact the game and make every kickoff an exciting play.

Change #1: I propose that any kickoff that goes through the endzone without touching ground in the field of play (goal line to goal line) is an automatic 20 yard penalty. Receiving team starts on their own 45. Any kick that hits ground in the field of play, then goes through the endzone, will be spotted at the last point of contact in field of play. This will immediately make the kicker position a skill position as opposed to just a biggest leg contest. It will completely change how receiving teams position guys, and change how kicking teams scheme their attacking players. Receiving teams may line up 3 receivers across the field, maybe two. And they will never just let a ball hit the ground and bounce to a stop. But no matter what, it encourages a ball in play scenario every time.

Change #2- Adopt the CFL’s “no yards” rule. For those unfamiliar, there is no fair catch rule in CFL. Instead the kicking team has to give a 5 yard buffer zone in all directions (which they call a halo) to the receiving player up until the moment he touches the ball. This creates an opportunity for a return on every reception, while also giving a window for the returner to take a knee if he chooses too. In CFL, breaching that 5 yard halo results in a 15 yard penalty from the point of reception. I would adopt this.

How do you all feel about this?

Also, I would love to hear any other suggestions to make kickoffs relevant plays.

I’d love to hear from the traditionalists as well that think this is fucking stupid and feel things are fine as is, but mostly, i wanna know why you think it’s fine as is

  • Quirky_Scratch_1755@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Kickoffs just need to be removed they serve no purpose anymore and theres no way to make them have one if the NFL wants to pretend they care about player safety.

    Its something you can’t balance either because they want offenses to eat.

    Making Kickers actually dot the ball inside the 25 makes drives harder. Giving the offense the ball at their own 45 already puts them 2 first downs away from field goal range and fucks over the defense

    Ball should automatically be placed at the 20 after a team scores. They can use the time saved from kickoffs for more commercials!

  • HonoluluProg92@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I don’t think Kickoffs are stupid. If anything, watching a football game without Kickoffs would feel weird to me. But to each their own I guess.

  • Fair_Abrocoma_9834@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Keep all the saftey rules, just make the kicking team have 1 less defender. 10 man Kick-off coverage. More Td’s from kickoffs and better chances but keep all the saftey rules…idk.

  • Wh00ster@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I kinda feel like kickoffs amp me up to start off a game but maybe I’m old

  • gustriandos@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Kickoffs are gone and not coming back. They need to get rid of them entirely bc the way they exist now is just silly and a waste of everyone’s time.

  • Beahner@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Off the headline I was coming in to say you aren’t the only one.

    On reading further I see we aren’t talking the same thing.

    I hate the kickoff and have for a very long time. It’s a stupid and pointless play. It was grossly dangerous so they whipped up the rules that has turned it safer, but even more pointless.

    I will always think the best idea is no more kickoffs. Team gets ball at the 25. Every time. That’s not grossly off what we have now.

    Obviously punting should stay the same as that fluid field positioning. But kickoffs can and should fuck off. It really wouldn’t change any dynamics and would just take an annoying and pointless part of the game away.

    Simple. Don’t fix it, kill it.

  • nkfish11@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I miss kickoffs too but it’s never gonna go back to what it was, unfortunately. Considering how low the return rate is now they should just place the ball at the 25 automatically now.