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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 25th, 2023

  • NFL likely won’t. What a stupid headline. Involved himself?

    He’s cleared to be on the sideline to do the job he does. He was right in front of the play. He saw his own player pop up to come back at Greenlaw. He inserted himself in the middle to try to deter any further bullshit. Greenlaw pointed at him and incidentally touched him.

    Had the man been wearing 31 other hats in his job as security this wouldn’t even be such a thing.

    There are just way too many dumb motherfuckers on all sides. He wasn’t out of his duties at that moment. And that wasn’t a fucking punch.

    The PF was an absolute. But ejection of either the player or the security guy was not needed. That was just dumb…so of course it just fed all the dummies on all sides.

  • “Appears” to shove.

    Just saying it wasn’t clear that he made contact with the fan. If there is another angle that the league can see that shows it he needs to be sat down a bit. That’s a no doubter.

    But all I see is the fan jump back a little. Could be contact. Could just be a flinch from Phillips and the fan stepping back. Can’t say for sure.

    As a lawsuit goes (if there was contact)…meh. Stupid. Player should never make contact. Let league handle. Fan was clearly instigating. As a lawsuit goes, just meh.

  • The only issue I have had with “the better team” is that so many things that happened weren’t by chance. It was officiating. The weather was horrid, but equally bad for each team.

    The drops matter some. The team chose to roll with that receiver corp. It’s not bad luck or something, it was built this way.

    But……the drops aren’t the biggest reason they lost….the red zone turnovers were. Were they bad luck? No. They were solid plays made by the Eagles defense.

    To me though….all the talk of who is the better team after the game is as pointless as power rankings.

    Nothing definitive comes from it. It’s just nonsense that gets everyone talking.

    Including me. Here and now. Sigh.

  • Same reason Calvin Johnson did, to be honest.

    I always read this as something only the player knows. We still saw an all time great close to his peak. But, how did he feel? Possibly he felt worn down at this point. He just saw decline and possibly injury coming.

    Back then a RB wall around the early 30s happened almost as often as now.

    And what light did he see at that point to keep going for? He could have tried to force a trade, but that was never Barry’s style.

    He surely felt satisfied with what he accomplished and didn’t see much worth continuing for.

  • Honest answer….a lot of times the gripes are the announcer doing the same thing. The same trope over and over again.

    Collinsworth stands out as the worst at it these days. It just wore out a long time ago. Romo might be the best instance of something that worked so well when he (recently) started announcing, but has gone completely the other way.

    People get sick of hearing the same damn thing. If you don’t really notice the announcers during the game then that’s a skill that I’m sure many of us wish we could cultivate. Feel blessed.

  • Yes. Yes yes yes.

    It’s not just the nonsensical penalties each game, it’s a couple of things for me.

    But the penalties and the way it seems to gear a game is at the top of the list. I paid for nfl+ to get red zone and use that most weekends as background noise. Other than that I only watch my team. And even if I can’t get the game locally I don’t go looking for it. I just watch the condensed game later. Something like this would have been unheard of for me even 5 years ago.

    I actually cheer the (pointless) hope that ratings tank so badly that they realize they have to stop being so arrogant and fix the game. But, I remember many who “quit” the game years ago over politics and thought that was going to show em….and it so didn’t.

    So, this is kind of what the game is becoming.

    I’ve matured a lot and don’t buy into conspiracy much anymore, but the fact that the league registered their business as an entertainment company and not a sport does keep tickling my tin foil antenna.

  • This is most certainly not new. They are pointing out the defensive alignment. Someone that might be blitzing. Making sure all are on the same page to cover it.

    As false start goes, I think it’s fine because they come out of their stance. It’s not like they are in the stand and any flinch of shoulder jiggle could be interpreted as the snap happening.

    If defense if confusing a stand and point with a snap they deserve the encroachment penalty.