Would he though? I guess this is up to whether one would consider “god hates jews” to be inciting hate or violence (§130 stgb) against jews. It might even depend on where this happens, in some very religious place it might incite people far more than somewhere more secular, as there’s absolutely no meaning to someone saying “god hates x” if you don’t believe in a god in the first place. So I think it’s debatable.
The “jews stole the land” sign in the background might be worse, though, the kid holding that (or more likely the parent that allowed them to hold it) would most likely be breaking the law.
I mean yea wbc wouldn’t fly here but that’s besides the point of whether that particular sign would be allowed? If the fucking afd is still allowed I have a hard time believing that sign would be a major issue. We have relatively strong anti hatespeech laws but they still have some requirements.
Would he though? I guess this is up to whether one would consider “god hates jews” to be inciting hate or violence (§130 stgb) against jews. It might even depend on where this happens, in some very religious place it might incite people far more than somewhere more secular, as there’s absolutely no meaning to someone saying “god hates x” if you don’t believe in a god in the first place. So I think it’s debatable.
The “jews stole the land” sign in the background might be worse, though, the kid holding that (or more likely the parent that allowed them to hold it) would most likely be breaking the law.
WBC are an open hate group. They aim to maximise their antagonism by doing things like picketing funerals with their dopey signs.
I mean yea wbc wouldn’t fly here but that’s besides the point of whether that particular sign would be allowed? If the fucking afd is still allowed I have a hard time believing that sign would be a major issue. We have relatively strong anti hatespeech laws but they still have some requirements.
You framed it through inciting hate, so I figured it’d be relevant that’s basically all WBC exist to do.