Looks like the last post is a year old. Are there any hams/amateur radio operators here on lemmy? If so, what projects (if any) are you working on? I’m building a 5 element yagi for 2m.
My recent project has been putting my QDX on the air using my Steamdeck for Parks on the Air. Here’s version 1.0: https://todon.eu/@Chicory/109253278031948863
I have been gradually refining the station. Once it gets cold again I am going to work on restoring a Heathkit HW-9 QRP CW rig. And perhaps building a QMX.
I built a qdx a while back but haven’t even gotten it on the air yet. I need to figure out 9v supply for it.
The QMX is out now, but I’m making myself use the last one I built before I build another… But part of me likes putting the stuff together more than actual using it.
Hopefully you get it on the air, I’ve had a blast with mine. 9v was too different for me so I built mine for 12v
Controlling a radio with a Steamdeck looks really interesting. I guess you’re using digimodes? The HW-9 also looks pretty cool. Since they stopped producing it in 1991, it’s approx. 30 years old. I’ve never tried building a radio from parts, I think I’ll stick to antennas though, I’m no good at careful soldering.
Yeah, I mainly use digital modes or CW. On the QDX I mostly run FT8 although I do have FLDIGI running on the deck so any mode the radio can handle is an option
I got a trusdx a week ago. Going to make an efhw antenna for it today using a k6ark kit. So far looks like a great little radio. If you just want to receive then you only need a 5V supply.
I’m here. I have my tech license, but I don’t use my ham radio much because I really hate talking to strangers…
Digital modes are just the thing for you!
Yeah, I got the German equivalent (Klasse E) a few months ago, and always don’t know what to say after someone responds to my CQ call. Mainly just been listening to other people on HF.
Parks on the Air or Summits on the Air really helps with this. A standard exchange is usually used so no need to think of what to say.
I agree, POTA and SOTA is a great way to get started. You make contacts but the exchange is very standard. Along those lines, contesting is a faster paced version of this. It’s not for everyone, but I like to do a CW contest from time to time, it’s kind of a rush.
How hard is it to get into POTA/SOTA? I guess you might need to register somewhere?
I can’t say for SOTA as I don’t do that one myself. POTA is pretty easy. Register on pota.app, then take your radio to a registered park and make some contacts. Definitely easier if you have HF privileges, but possible on VHF if you are near enough to a major city. SOTA might be more possible on VHF due to the presumed elevation involved.
I’ll have to look into that. While I can use some of HF, I don’t have a battery for portable HF. I’m not near any really large cities, and looking at the map there aren’t any parks near me. I might try hunting instead of activating.
Contests can also be a nice way to get on the air without worrying about small talk. Like OTAs, they have a predetermined exchange; you each say your part, then you move on to another station.
I joined Lemmy recently. I have my amateur license but have not had time to play in a long time. I wanted to get back into it soon.
I am! I just moved over from reddit a few days ago.
I’m not working on any projects at the moment but just got a new rig and am obsessed. I’m going to go on another POTA activation this weekend if the weather permits.
Just finished a dual band pi-star build using a raspberry pi. First time really getting into any of the digital modes. Have it set up with D-Star, DMR, and YSF.
I think I have all the parts for a tape measure yagi but I’ve got a lot of life going on right now so that project has been sidelined :/