People need to realize you can use alternatives

    1 year ago

    I see this often in debate topics. Some people seem to think that every opinion is valid and worth listening to when no, I’m sorry, that really isn’t the case. There is no need to casually try to debate people who don’t believe the existence of the literal sun, or holocaust deniers, or those who think all gay people should be euthanized.

    It’s a bit of a pet peeve of mine tbh, and I’ve always run into issues like this on discussion boards, especially of the past. Those with blatantly offensive and wrong viewpoints get bitchy when others don’t want their debate topics present because every opinion can be respectfully debated. No. Yes…often two opposing viewpoints can be valid. But other times, they most certainly are not. If you’re of the opinion that child porn should be accepted for example, it doesn’t matter how “respectfully” you try to present it and yourself. Your view is wrong and you do NOT deserve a platform to speak about it.