I’m still on Goodreads but it’s so slow, the app’s just an even slower webview of the site and the redesign has made me have to click more to do what I want.
What’s the alternative? Obviously we’re on the fediverse and I see people talking about Bookwyrm.
I used Anobii till 2010 and I can’t remember why I left but it’s still there. I’ve poked StoryGraph a bit but it was lacking several of the books I wanted to add.
There must be more! What do you use/recommend?
Nothing. Why should I track my reading? I read for fun, tracking it would take the fun right out of it and turn it into some kind of competition. I’m not at school anymore.
Personally for me it’s because I have terrible recall memory and having a list reminds me what I read and who I read more easily than trying to knock it loose from the Ol noggin. I do it for TV and movies as well.
Things like good reads and story graph also host user reviews and can be good for discovering new things.