Windows 10 end of life could prompt torrent of e-waste as 240 million devices set for scrapheap::As Windows 10 end of life approaches, analysts are concerned that millions of devices will be scrapped due to incompatibility
Windows 10 end of life could prompt torrent of e-waste as 240 million devices set for scrapheap::As Windows 10 end of life approaches, analysts are concerned that millions of devices will be scrapped due to incompatibility
of course no mention of upcycling these with linux and getting them into needy hands. with alll the solid state hardware now many of these machines are perfectly functional, and will be for some time. its the batteries that likely need a looking at
My AMD computer still runs great for what I use it for and will continue for a good several years. It’s got a 6gb 1060 (that I’ll probably upgrade a bit pretty soon), 32GB ddr4, and what magically won’t officially run on w11: a ryzon 5 1600x I have OC’d to 4Ghz.
Once win 10 goes out (which no one kid themselves, it will 100% get a support extension) I’ll mainly swap over to Linux and run 11 unofficially for the couple things I’d need it for.