Give the poor nothing and we will have nothing left to lose. eyes guillotine hungrily
Literally everyone in this comment section is missing “regardless of the individual eligibility of each student”. Everyone is getting hysterical over something that isn’t even in the cards. This isn’t about not feeding the poor. This is about not giving the free food you should be giving the poor to people who simply don’t need it.
Of course a lot of kids rely on free school lunches and they aren’t trying to take that away. They’re trying to restrict free lunches to kids with parents who are actually incapable of feeding them. If parents can afford food for their kids, feed your fucking kids.
I would rather see my taxes go to feed every single kid in this country, poor or rich, than see another cent go into our absurdly bloated military budget, militarization of our police forces, and tax cuts for the rich. THAT is why everyone here is missing the fine print. You don’t need to read between the lines to see that haggling down what little the working class has is an exercise in cruelty. It’s ridiculous to penny-pinch social safety nets. Period.
These chucklefucks always seem to choose the more expensive way of going about it in the name of saving taxpayers money. Abject morons.
Rich taxpayers.
Aren’t these the same people who claim that an unborn baby has every right to live, even if they’re only like 4 cells and still dividing? Does like… that right to life just end once they’re birthed? I really don’t get how these people justify their stupidity.
“They are anti-woman.” Fucking nailed it. Carlin said this almost 30 years ago. Republicans and conservatives are evil to the core. They have not changed and will never change.
Man I miss George Carlin
It’s never been about the babies or family values. It’s about keeping people poor, dumbed up, and so angry at each other that they never have enough time to realize they’re being taken advantage of.
It’s all about keeping women scared and powerless. They don’t give a flying fuck about babies.
Attention conservatives: you can’t
marrylegally rape children or force them into child labor if you already starved them to death first.Demons
Using public funds to help people? Not on the GOP’s watch.
- cut Social Security and Medicare
- make Trump’s tax cuts for the top 1 percent permanent
- impose work requirements on “all federal benefit programs,” like food stamps and Medicare
- extend work requirements on those aged 55–64
- bring back all of twice-impeached and twice-arrested former President Donald Trump’s deregulations, including the weakening of environmental protection.
Well then
Does GOP actually have any goals that could be deemed objectively good?
Many of their goals are objectively good for the oil lobby and scam industries like private health insurance.
They’re in favor of fucking over humanity as a whole because they just love the flavor of boot.
Why would they alienate their voter base that mainly reside in impoverished red states? A portion of those poor brainwashed right-wingers have children too.
Can you guys see the parallel with a certain spiteful CEO who is the reason for our exodus…
They know their voter base is too dumb and enraged by right wing propaganda to realize they are voting against their interests.
Yeah it seems as long as it hurts someone else they dislike they don’t mind hurting themselves.
So depriving children of food is a “priority” for them. I don’t know how to describe that other than “disgraceful”.
I’m just sad for the US now. Hope you guys will get better times soon.
Of all the things to rally people around…
Children should not have to bring money to school to eat. A nutritious and tasty meal should be provided free. Their only worries in school should be whether they studied enough to pass an exam, not on their grumbling stomachs. This is dystopian garbage.
They’re like a bunch of comic book villains trying to outdo each other in who can be the most abhorrent.
The whole point in these kind of moves is to cause congestion and exhaustion in political movement.
It’s a struggle to campaign for actual improvements when we’re all stuck fighting garbage like this all the time.
It’s deliberate obstruction and a standard GOP play
Pro-life, pro-child, pro-family values 👍🤗💖💯
Absolutely ridiculous and cruel. But not surprising for Republicans Their mindset of “I got mine, screw everybody else” is so terrible.
this is unfortunate to say the least. Its hard to decide if Republicans have been cartoon villains all along or if they just began to be more honest. Sad thing is will it even stop folks from voting for them? lmao