“All I can tell you,” the Tesla manager said, “is we’re not a 100-year-old company like GM and Ford. We haven’t worked all the bugs out yet.”
In a functioning country, the government wouldn’t even entertain these companies because they can’t meet basic regulations. But because we live in hell, the average dumbass gets to play with your life when he feels like testing automated driving
This was so already so well known like 5+ years ago that people on Twitter gave it a name - #WhompyWheel
There are a bunch of pictures of Teslas where the wheel just fell off (and that caused an accident) or was torn off by a mild accident or hitting a normal pothole. Crazy stuff. But hey, at least Tesla cars are heavy and have good acceleration, so what could go wrong!?
And yet…. MFers are lining up to fellate
Brain worms
Post is looking weird on my phone here is the url https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/tesla-musk-steering-suspension/
btw Tesla paid Twitter to scrub these videos from it (it’s done that several times before this event, and now it’s just even worse because it’s owned by elon)
Also in December 2021 (this event happened in October 2021) there was an extremely high profile story about a Finnish guy blowing up his Tesla on purpose. The story was headline news for over a month and it was super sus. I think it was promoted to drown out this story