For instance, I have an aunt who is definitely MAGA, and is flirting with Q-Anon ideas. However, she has pretty good views on the environment and animal rights. For instance, after travelling to Ecuador, she donates to some Ecuadorian land trust run by locals. However, if you start talking to her about the border or gender, she goes full Orbán.

  • FactuallyUnscrupulou [he/him]
    1 year ago

    My older brothers are zen fascists in denial. Both are well off Xennials whose struggle with white fragility which inspires the most kneejerk reactionary takes. They literally just argue however they need to in the moment and have zero coherent views. They are terrible at sources, they will cherry pick whatever article agrees with them especially if it’s a ‘local’ news outlet. There takes are so clearly self centered that I often just argue that really most Americans are selfish assholes just like them. Therefore they shouldn’t be surprised they’re unhappy because that’s the logical outcome of the bucket crab mentality.