Come oonn new Animal Crossing! 🤞
Awesome, thanks for the heads up.
I’m pretty excited to see what this ends up having. Nintendo has already done a lot of the big obvious things with the Switch, which leaves the window open for lesser used IPs or more unique game concepts.
Or they can do sequels, which is still pretty exciting since it’s a chance to improve on what are already some really strong titles.
tbh it seems like nintendo is doing the opposite of that. they used to have a lot of random smaller games/ips, but it’s been feeling like they’ve been centralizing into their few core IPs and nothing else. like, we haven’t even gotten a 2d zelda on switch yet (grezzo did LA remake but that’s not really a new game).
I’ll still ride the copium train hoping for a Wind Waker HD port or something similar. New Mario game would also be pretty neat.
Thanks for the heads up! Notification set, interested to see what’s shown…
Cautiously optimistic for Pikmin 4, here.
ever since they showed off the character customization I’ve been conflicted on the game. I liked the pikmin series and was planning on picking up 4, but that changed my mind to maybe avoid it…
i think it looks pretty good, but there are some things in the trailer that i’m not sure about.
- they showed a lot of pikmin types, i think all of them from every game plus the new ones? this is a worry of mine unless they made enough different areas to make you feel like you don’t need every type on every expedition.
- still not sure how to feel about the dog
- really glad they’re bringing back caves, but the pikmin 2 versus mode-esque battles seem weird
- the night expeditions seem sort of interesting, curious about what purpose they serve
- not sure how to feel about the upgrade shops and currency, hope they do it well
overall, theres a lot of new stuff and returning features that were missing in pikmin 3 for us to be excited about. seems like they want to go more of an open world, choose your own adventure style of progression in favor of how in previous games you had to defeat x boss or get y treasure to unlock a new area.
i just hope its longer than pikmin 3 mostly
I know it is basically a dream at this point, but I’d love to see a port of Xenoblade X. One of the best games of the Wii U, and the exploration feeling it gave remains unmatched by X2 and X3.
My uncle at nintendo told me that they’ll finally tell us how to teach Pikachu Surf so we can find the Mew under the truck.
I’ve been so attached to Tears of the Kingdom that I’ve barely even considered other games. What an open world masterclass. I feel like I could spend another hundred hours in that game and still find some interesting spot hiding somewhere.
Did you know some guy on youtube made a mod/virus for red and blue that makes it so if you trade with a cart that’s infected too? The only other thing it does is make it possible to use strength to push the truck and catch a mew.
very fun video
Wow, that’s incredible. Thanks for sharing!
Any chance of them announcing they’re getting out of the hardware business? As much as I love me some Nintendo, I really don’t think I’ll be buying another console from them.
I sincerely doubt they’ll leave the hardware business. The Switch is their most successful home console of all time, ranking third in overall video game console sales.
It’s annoying to have to buy multiple consoles to enjoy the best experiences that video gaming has to offer, but I wouldn’t bank on Nintendo leaving anytime soon.
Based on the sales of The Switch, I highly doubt it. While I agree that it is due for a refresh, Nintendo doesn’t really chase high end graphics. They’ll put out new hardware eventually that is more powerful than the current Switch, but less powerful than a PS5. They have a bunch of IPs that they know will carry it regardless of if it’s cutting edge or not.
I’m personally hoping for some news on Splatoon 3’s Side Order dlc
Yes! Splatoon is so underrated outside of Japan. I’ve really been enjoying the game and would love to have a big contentful dlc to work through
Oh hell ya! Just wishing for an HD remake of Mario RPG lol
That would probably require cooperation with square, which would finally open the door to proper sequels. I’d cry. (No shade on the paper Mario and Mario and Luigi games, they are great series in their own rights, just not the same.)
Ummmm so they announced it XD
Clearly this is the one where they show off Metroid Prime 4, right? And the new F-Zero? 🙂
And Mother 3, Mario Odyssey 2, Gamecube Switch Online and of course Switch Pro!
and silksong lol
I have my clown makeup ready! 🤡
If there is a F-Zero than we see a new Golden sun as well
i would do truly unspeakable things for a wind waker switch port…
Might want to put a disclaimer that the WiiU port doesn’t count
It was really good to be honest.
that’s why i said switch 😇
My dream announcement is a new golden sun game or a remake of the first 2/3.
Beyond that pipe dream, I always get excited to see the buzz around things like this!
I would love a Golden Sun port or new game! I LOVED the one on GBA! Such a fun puzzle rpg. It did have a TON of dialogue though…
Yeah, it was campy and long winded at times, but the puzzles were great, the class system was unique and creative, and the music was second to none. It’s a small magazine and a small community altogether, but I’m proud to be the moderator.
yup I’m very interested to see if Fashion Dreamer makes an appearance, given the corporate drama around it and the fact that it’s scheduled for a 2023 release yet we haven’t gotten a release date yet.