Tell me a spooky scary story. Something that happened to you, or someone you know, or local folklore, or something your uncle told you by the campfire. Paranormal experiences welcome. I want to look like pic attached.

(just nothing involving SA pls and thanks)

  • Goadstool [he/him, comrade/them]
    8 months ago

    Alright so I got two small experiences, they’re not super scary but they’re the closest thing to paranormal activity I’ve every experienced.

    The first one is that one time when I was in middle school, my mom was driving my brother and I home. We were just a couple turns away, sitting at a red light in silence, when my mom suddenly leans forward, points through the windshield, and yells “What is that!?” We all look, and see this silvery disc-shaped object just floating in the sky. It was overtly saucer shaped, and had bright green lights along its midsection that stood out even though it was the middle of the day. She pulled into a parking lot so we could get a better look, but some trees broke our line of sight, and we couldn’t find it again.

    The other one is silly, but it bothers me to this day. When I was in elementary school, I remember being in class and being the only person on the side of the class where I was standing while everyone else gathered for story time or something like that, and I set a pencil on this very long counter we had that took up like an entire wall of the class room. I bent down to tie my shoe, stood back up, and the pencil was gone. I remember looking on the floor, I remember looking behind everything on the counter, I remember checking cracks and all across the carpet in the room, fully determined to find it and as thorough as I could be, and I just couldn’t. I know there’s a meme about pens / pencils disappearing when they fall to the ground, but it was one of those basic hex-shaped pencils and I know it didn’t just roll off the counter, I know I didn’t accidentally push it, and I know no one else was close enough to move / hide / take it. I was so distraught that I couldn’t find it that I went and told everyone else in the class that it had just vanished, and I remember them blowing me off, “Suuure, Goadstool.” I felt exactly like one of the kids in fuckin’ Goosebumps, trying to tell people there’s something fucky going on, and no one will listen. Not really scary, but to this day I swear that goddamn pencil vanished.

    • PointAndClique [they/them]
      8 months ago

      They’re both very relatable. My UFO story is far less dramatic but.

      I was watching the stars while camping once, just idly while walking to the toilet block to go brush my teeth. My eyes started following a satellite, which are immediately noticeable because they follow predictable paths across the night sky. Suddenly, the satellite I was following turned on a dime and reversed, roughly 170 degrees off its original course and then rapidly accelerated away until it was too fast to follow. It didn’t decelerate or visibly ‘turn’, it just bounced like someone hit it with a baseball bat. I just kinda stood there for a moment, wondering what I’d seen. My brother was nearby and I thought of asking him, it was only a year ago but I don’t remember if he saw it too and commented or not.

      I guess what could have happened is that the course of the satellite intersected perfectly with that of a shooting star of equivalent brightness, shooting in the opposite direction. I’m not smart enough to know if shooting stars accelerate like that though.

        • PointAndClique [they/them]
          8 months ago

          I’ve seen shooting stars and had seen about a handful already that night though. This didn’t move like a shooting star, and was much brighter, even as it accelerated. Still, I doubt my eyes and recollection enough that I’m happy to go with that it was a shooting star.