Comedian Chris Rock famously said…

You can’t beat white people, you can only knock them out.

…no, not that…

You would think that cops would occasionally shoot a white kid, just to make it look good. You’d think every couple of months they’d look at their dead nigga calendar and go, “Oh my God, we’re up to 16. We gotta shoot a white kid quick.”

no, the one about Black History Month!…

Black History Month is in the shortest month of the year, and the coldest—just in case we want to have a parade.

Well, not only is February the shortest and coldest but, WTF, Black History Month has to share the first week of the month with Michigan’s Chicano History Week! I know our Governor is awfully busy doing right by her state but did no one hip her to the fact that February is Black History Month? It’s a national designation since the 1980s! Excuse me if BHM is feeling a little…jealous?…neglected, maybe? There’s already a National Hispanic Heritage Month, signed into law in 1968 by President Lyndon Johnson! BHM is feeling a little like the “middle child” here…

Screw it. BHM is taking the high road. We’re big enough to share a few days with our Mexican brothers! As national treasure Morgan Freeman said, “I don’t want a Black history month. Black history is American history.”

🇲🇽 🇲🇽 🇲🇽

To kick off Chicano History Week, which runs from Feb. 2-8, Nuestra Cultura is hosting a free screening of American Homeboy at Detroit’s Senate Theater. The event will celebrate Chicano culture and highlight accomplishments of Mexican Americans in the U.S. through film, live art, music, and a panel discussion.

The film draws from interviews with Mexican American historians, academics, artists, activists, cholos, and former law enforcement officers against a backdrop pulled from 50 hours of restored archival footage. Following the screening is an hour-long panel discussion by the film’s director Brandon Loran Maxwell alongside special guest speakers.

Saturday, February 3, 5:00pm – 2:00am
Senate Theater, 6424 Michigan Ave, Detroit
The entire night (panel, exhibitions and film) is gratis but you must register.