You want to tag me in an edit and we’ll find out?
Idk, let’s try
That’s a great question.
Edit: did you get notified
Unfortunately, I already get notified about comments on my own post 🤦
There are separate categories for replies and mentions, at least using Jerboa.
Doesn’t show up in my mentions, but it also doesn’t look like it proper tagged me. I think there’s some formatting that is needed that Jerboa doesn’t do yet
.world](https:Far enough. Your reply showed up in my mentions and replies, although jt doesn’t look like you edited it?
No, I surrounded the comment in back-ticks ` so you could see the formatting
Interesting. So that shows the formatting without disabling it like \ does?
I ask because it showed up as a me tion on my end.
This is a test without tagging OP. Reply here once you see my comment and then I will edit with your tag.
Give it a go.
I’ve now mentioned you in the original comment. Did you receive a “mention”?
Yep. It showed up in mentions. Thanks!
Well? Actually I
misread the original postam dumb.THIS is edited, so I believe now you will have your answer
Yep, this is in my mentions. Thanks!