• The people’s communalisation movement led to peasants selling their means of production and livelihood, while local governments exaggerated food production leading to high taxes, which, combined with natural disasters, led to the Great Famine. This was also part of the Great Leap Forward. The Great Famine did not conflict with what China achieved during the Great Leap Forward, but the Great Famine did happen as part of the Great Leap Forward. If the Great Leap Forward did not include the People’s Communization Movement and did not lead to the Great Famine, then the Great Leap Forward was good. that industrial achievements did not necessitate a people’s communisation movement and lead to the Great Famine.

    Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

    • roccopun@lemmygrad.ml
      2 years ago

      This is true, but notice how the man-made aspect of the famine is caused by “local governments exaggerated food production leading to high taxes”, like you say. This is hardly a mistake of “Mao”. If I only make 80k, but decide to pretend to be rich and declare a 500k income on my tax return, do I blame the tax authority when I pay the corresponding taxes and starve?

      Mao’s fault in this is merely trusting that officials weren’t just lying in order to shoot their own foot. Not to mention the government needed the money after Soviet investment dried fast. Even then, when output numbers were becoming suspicious and contradict new information, he was among the first to call it out. Not to mention we still have videos of his colleagues like Liu & Deng visiting satellite farms. The narrative that GLF is categorized under Mao’s mistakes, and presenting Deng as a contrast to such types of mistakes, is a contrast that does not stand when you look into it.

      • 我说了,一项运动好与坏必须看结果。既然你承认由于大跃进的浮夸风和人民公社导致的对生产资料生活资料的损毁是导致饥荒的重要原因那么这不就证明这项运动是有问题的吗?人民公社化导致大规模的损毁生产与生活资料,不就代表了这是根本上的制度问题?政府推动人民进行新的运动,人民却做出不合理的事,即使这不是政府所设想的。那么这些不合理的事情的发生不就是由于政策推动的吗?大跃进期间的饥荒很大程度上不就是当时的政策造成的吗?大跃进期间的饥荒本可以不发生,没必要发生,但它发生了,所以它是坏的

        • roccopun@lemmygrad.ml
          2 years ago





          • 我真不是讨厌毛泽东觉得毛泽东坏耶。我也知道最大的问题原因浮夸风是下面搞起来的。我就是想嘛,大跃进是抑制了农业生产的,所以在高征收情况下会饿死人。但是如果没有抑制农业生产的话在征收同样的粮食的情况下不就不会导致这么严重的饥荒吗?所以我觉得说大跃进是错误的。嗯…还有就是即使为了工业化,饿饿肚子也是可以接受的,但是不应该饿死人。我就是这样想的嘛₍₍ (̨̡ ‾ᗣ‾ )̧̢ ₎₎