I am working on writing up some quality help/instructions for Lemmy instance admins. This is targeted toward those that are newer to Lemmy and Docker, but even those that know a thing or two might learn something from me. I have been a sysadmin for over 20 years, so I know some things.

I thought I’d share the first complete page I have written. I’d love some feedback if you have any to share.

Be seeing you.

P.S. I frequent the Lemmy Admin matrix chat and I moderate the Install Support channel. Stop by if you have questions! https://matrix.to/#/#lemmy-support-new-instance:discuss.online

  • Rick@thesimplecorner.org
    1 year ago

    Looks great at a glance. I admittedly got pretty frustrated and gave up doing the straight docker install primarily with the nginx portion of my setup. The lemmy instructions were lacking. After trying for 2 days I just used the recommended Ansible playbook and it worked beautifully and now I’ve gone back and reconfigured what I wanted to after the fact.

    So this is biggly helpful. Thanks! Im gonna give it a thorough looking at next time I fiddle with my config. Got it saved.