The event, which will be held from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 24 at The Icon in Detroit, will also consist of an expungement and felon-friendly job fair.

The flier says the gun exchange will be “no questions asked,” with handguns and non-automatic firearms to be bought for $100 and semi-automatic and automatic assault rifles to be bought for $200.

“This will not be the last one,” Skilla Baby says in his post’s caption. “We will try to get as many guns off the streets and clean as many records as possible every year if it’s up to me.”

From The Freep: Rapper Skilla Baby teams with Brady group for Detroit gun buyback event

Skilla Baby said he recognizes the Second Amendment right to own firearms — but he’s also a big advocate of safety protocols, proper storage and secure communities.

“I know with my influence, I can urge people to clean their records, get jobs and get guns off the street,” he said. “In the future, I want to do gun safety classes, fun stuff like that.”

“We know the power of joining forces with a city, with influencers, with these icons,” [Hannah Jones, national director of organizing for Brady: United Against Gun Violence] said. “That’s how we got together. But it started with his vision, and he knew, and his folks knew, that we focused on safe storage."

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