I actually thought I might be having an aneurysm or a stroke. It was weird.

An iridescent zigzag appeared in part of my field of vision, and another portion of my field of vision just… stopped. I had this big blind spot for like an hour, all while this jagged rainbow bastard chilled in my left peripheral.

That went away slowly, only to be replaced with vertigo and exhaustion. Almost no headache, though. I kept verifying that one side of my face wasn’t paralyzed or whatever because I’ve had migraines a few times before, but those were nothing like this! Apparently they can just be this way.

Does anyone else get these? They’re dumb.

  • mautamu
    2 years ago

    Haha thank you! The first time was definitely a very scary experience, I felt the same way you do now; hope that you’re not too rattled and doing better now!