This means:

  • Downloading or updating the Assistant app now gives you Gemini instead.
  • You can switch back to Assistant in the Gemini app settings.
  • This might be Google’s first step towards replacing Assistant completely with Gemini.
  • Some users are unaware of the switch and see two Gemini apps on their phones.

Overall, this may suggest Google is phasing out Assistant and transitioning users to the newer Gemini AI technology.

    7 months ago

    I need a degoogle wiki to all me through all the things I can do to degoogle and what conveniences I might loose and potential workarounds for them. E.g. I spent a few hours getting rid of chrome, but then found out that if I want to use maps from my home screen, I can’t use the search bar and I need another button on my homescreen. Also, apparently I use the images tab on Google often, and ddg doesn’t have an images filter.

    So anyway, without good replacements for my typical workflow, I end up just adding inconvenience and still falling back on the old workflows when I can’t figure out how to get what I need degoogled.