So Caleb Maupin is now labelled a Nazbol. That seems to be the newest buzzword that means ‘bad person’ And i say that, because if you go look at the comments, not one person mentions anything that he did that is nazbol-ish.

And now Thought Slime, the Serfs, and now apparently Luna Oi, and Noncompete are attacking or cancelling or cutting ties with him.

So, opinions? On Caleb, or the others?

I value your opinion as communists, because something similar happened to me, involving alleged communists.

    4 years ago

    “out of the movement, into the masses”

    Honestly I respect that intent as for every decent ‘ML’ organizing group in the US there are 3 which actively hurt the movement in their own confusion.

    But it seems to me it’s more accurate to describe him as having left the movement and gone into niche internet communities.