Hi! sorry for the random topic 😅
Youtube keeps getting more and more annoying. Is there a good other platform where to migrate? If people were to migrate, where would they go?
the thing I liked about youtube is the massive amount of content, and knowing that if I upload a video, it’s really easy to watch by others. I like the ability to follow channels too.
Lots of good suggestions already, but if you have to stick to YouTube, you could always use a third party client. FreeTube for desktop and Newpipe for Android. They function great. You don’t need an account and can organize and export your history and subscriptions, it’s a much better way to interact with YouTube than the official methods. Newpip even allows for background playing.
Doesn’t ReVanced still work?
Yes it does.
Yes! It’s wonderful!
It also kills reddit adds in the official app. That said, I’m not sure how much I’ll use it at this point… Still, I like having the option loaded up!
You can use newpipe app
I use it every day. Works pretty well if you patch with the recommended version, but it’s not perfect. Still good enough to daily drive tho.
Thanks for the recommendation, I didn’t knew about freetube
Unfortunately, freetube development has gone stale and i keep getting random errors every now and then. I started using piped recently, but all their instances are now rate limited… so hopefully someone will pick up freetube development again (or release a similar client for desktop, perhaps based on the pipeextractor)
Aw I didn’t realize that. It still works fine on my end. I get warning notifications in my windows VM, but everything still works. On Linux everything runs smoothly no errors. I think newpipe on Android is my most preferred implementation of a third party YouTube viewer so I’d love a desktop version of that.