I think Gitea is working on this, but I have no idea what the current status is
I think Gitea is working on this, but I have no idea what the current status is
I was raised Methodist, but when I was maybe 7 or 8 I realized that I was only Methodist because I was raised Methodist and that if my parents were a different religion, I would have believed that instead.
It took me until my late teens to realize I was an athiest, but that was definitely the start.
It’s less about trusting X but trusting Musk. Trying to make an “everything app” with him in charge just feels dystopian.
I don’t think I would trust an “everything app” even if anybody else was in charge. One data breach, and hackers would get everything
Irregular Webcomic: it’s mostly reruns these days with new strips twice a week. Still, there is a lot of material to get caught up on.
I enjoy Adventures of God if you want another webtoons comic
I bought a book of mixed puzzles (like sudoku, crosswords, and a handful of others). Took me a few months to work through my first one, and I just started a second.
I read this in Ryan George’s voice
I have my own music player written with Python, Gtk, and Gstreamer. I use it almost every day to listen to music during work
I’m going to Mackinac Island in August. This is just reaffirming our decision to rent bikes while we’re there
A lot of kernel developers (including Linus) are on social.kernel.org, but registration is only open to maintaners / people with a kernel.org account. Still, there are plenty of interesting people to follow there!
Facebook makes shadow profiles of people who aren’t on the site. Twitter could very well be doing the same
So much for “don’t be evil”
Musk seems like the kind of person who would test his code in production
I’m hoping for option 1 but voting like it’s option 2
I strongly dislike in-app browsers. I’ve found the “open in browser” button, but I would much prefer a setting toggle to bypass the in-app entirely
I haven’t done a full Cosmere reread, but I like to reread the previous books in each series before a new one comes out. There’s so much forshadowing that you pick up on in rereads!
The part I don’t understand is why it’s important to hit the “replacement level”. Wouldn’t it be better for the planet if there were fewer people living on it and competing for resources?
I’m not sure. More content would be great, but I know I wouldn’t be thrilled at things I post getting scraped and reposted somewhere else. I like the suggestion of promoting the community in the Discord better, but I mostly get my local Ann Arbor posts from the a2mi.social Mastodon instance.
I know it’s a different brand, but Better Made Chips has something similar. I’ve seen them around stores in Michigan, banda quick internet search tells me they’re on Amazon or you could buy straight from Better Made’s website