There’s nothing worse in terms of pronunciation than English. French is silly for writing twice as much as what’s pronounced, but at least it mostly follows some rules.
There’s nothing worse in terms of pronunciation than English. French is silly for writing twice as much as what’s pronounced, but at least it mostly follows some rules.
To be fair, this is about June 2025, so they still have some 15 months to accomplish it all. /s
Not the topic of this thread, but the new app is in development. There’s a Lichess team for beta testers.
Hier gehen wir wieder (zu Fuß).
How much does that cost?
Zu einer Atombombe gehört immer auch ein roter Knopf. Und da die EU keine gemeinsamen Streitkräfte und damit auch keinen Commander-in-Chief hat, stelle ich es mir schwer vor, eine gute Lösung für das Knopf-Drück-Recht zu finden.
Mittelfristig ist es daher wohl realistischer, dass Frankreich und UK ihr Arsenal, vielleicht durch finanzielle Unterstützung im Rahmen von bilateralen militärischen Abkommen mit anderen europäischen Staaten, erweitern und ggf. auch zu einer Art europäischem Schutzschirm ausbauen.
It does look a bit like Germany.
Yay, we reached the 1.5° goal ahead of schedule!
Thanks for reminding me of this. For those not aware, in 2016 Spez secretly edited users’ reddit comments. It’s fascinating that he survived as CEO after that given that it shows an absolutely breathtaking failure of judgment and self-control.
Baerbock und Habeck wären in der Rolle aber wenigstens sichtbar und würden sich für ihre Sicht der Dinge einsetzen. Scholz’ Philosophie des lautlosen Kanzlerns ist dagegen in dieser Krisenlage echt gefährlich. Aber das Volk kriegt halt, was es wollte. Scholz hat sich ja schon in den Kanzlerduellen und bei den CumEx-Anhörungen durch lautes Schweigen profiliert.
Here’s a comment for even more activity!
Figs fresh off the tree.
For a long time, I was convinced they would actually turn around and stop the whole endeavour, as it was clearly a giant, unforced blunder. But here we are…
A Nokia 3330 if I remember correctly.
Most people I know hate it, but I absolutely love the feeling of a fly crawling on my arms or legs. It gives me this wonderful comfortable tingling sensation and I can’t get enough of it.
Even if AI did make psychology redundant in a couple of years (which I’d bet my favourite blanket it won’t), what are the alternatives? If AI can take over a field that is focused more than most others on human interaction, personal privacy, thoughts, feelings, and individual perceptions, then it can take over almost any other field before that. So you might as well go for it while you can.
As long as the political class and the wealthy few have such a large overlap, it’s a great idea for them.
Well, I learned English as my second and French as my third language, and I see it the other way around. Agree to disagree I guess.