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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2023

  • Rush Limbaugh had only been on the air for a little over 10 years when the Columbine shooting happened. For News started that year I think. Other news agencies also did 24 hour coverage of the various big shootings and blasted the killer’s identities everywhere, just like the media used to do for serial killers before they were blamed for causing more serial killings.

    I think the media is certainly complicit but I think people need look deeper, back to when gang violence, poverty, and the ruining of the American worker began to come back. Neoliberalism has been a cancer infecting the Western nations for decades now, governing over the decline of our industries and the rapid growth of wealth inequality. You can track all the increases in gun violence and mass killings right back to it and its consequences.

  • Not being diagnosed with ADHD until my 30’s, I was concerned about taking stimulants… Man did they ever highlight all the ways I had adjusted my life to try and cope, and all the self-medicating I was doing with caffeine and energy drinks. While some adjustments were still necessary, I could finally do things like:

    • wash the dishes without wanting to peel my skin off
    • regularly cook meals instead of eat garbage
    • get my work done in a normal 8 hour day instead of taking 12 hours and stressing out all day about the time I was wasting and ultimately having no time for my chores

    Considering how damn hard it is to get meds now because everyone else is abusing them, I’m off them more often than I’m on them. Back to negative performance reviews, stressful days, viciously hating what should be boring or mildly annoying tasks for anyone else. Only difference now is I don’t hate myself because I finally understand what parts of this are and are not my fault. I mean that helps me live with myself but I’d really rather just have meds again.

  • The real path forward to fixing voting in the US is going to be a long one. People need to find or form grassroots organizations to replace as many local and state positions as possible with actual candidates. Essentially a takeover of the Democrats starting at the lowest levels and moving up from there.

    Some might be demoralized by how long this will take. Others realize that this actually isn’t that hard with teams of motivated people.

    On the Republican side: look at Brandon Herrera and his battle with Tony Gonzales. A youtuber nearly beat the incumbent (lost by 407 votes). The man tapped into people’s anger and very nearly got it.

    Where are lefties on this? Nothing out of the unions? People want change, help them get it.

  • In the first paragraph of JSON5’s site:

    It is not intended to be used for machine-to-machine communication.

    YAML is not supported by a lot of enterprise software (example: Azure pipelines supports it but Power Automate does not). JSON, XML, CSV, or failing that Text are the safe bets. We use a few options for reading or building presentation layers quickly. Ultimately the idea is to move data around in a way that is friendly to our current and future applications.